Forgive my ignorance, but is this something that’s meant to be used pre or post-installation or possibly for both cases maybe?
Also, perhaps it could be good to make an EndeavourOS wiki for this topic. You can more or less copy/paste this post into the wiki for now I think could be a good idea. Hmm, which actually leads me to think, maybe we should have a wiki specifically for all the EndeavourOS scripts and goodies that warrant them of course.
My quick test of eos-packagelist went pretty well. Beginning with Cinnamon in a virtual machine, I first ran
$ eos-packagelist --list
I noticed that some of the items in the list are hyphenated, while others include spaces. You might mention in the documentation that quotation marks are required when spaces are included. For example, I ran
$ eos-packagelist --install "Openbox Edition"
Unfortunately, I received this error message:
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
eos-lightdm-slick-theme: /etc/lightdm/slick-greeter.conf exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
On the other hand, my installation of the KDE Desktop worked perfectly. I ran
$ eos-packagelist --install KDE-Desktop
I rebooted. In the greeter I selected Plasma (X11) from the drop-down list. Upon logging in, I was excited to find that I was running the KDE Deskop!
Thank you, EnOS developers, for this excellent tool!
Hmm…the documentation. I am not sure there is any.
You can see if in the example from --help though:
usage: eos-packagelist [-h] [--list] [--arch ARCH] [--install] [profile ...]
The EndeavourOS package list handler gets package information from the current installer files and allows you to optionally install them
positional arguments:
profile The name of the profile you want to see packages for
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--list Lists the available options
--arch ARCH Only include packages available on ARM
--install Install the packages on the list using pacman instead of just listing them
example: eos-packagelist "Awesome Edition"
I am still checking this out, but it is looking like this could streamline and simplify installation of EndeavourOS Arm packages in the install script.
This could end the nightmare of syncing package lists between EnOS x64_86 and EnOS Arm.
I don’t think it should do that generally but I could add an option for it if you would like. That being said, if you are using it in a script, it might make more sense to call pacman yourself so you can control all the pacman options.
I agree, I didn’t think of running eos-packagelist and then re-directing the output to a file, or your solution of a command in a command as I call it $(command)
Yeah, let’s got with this and leave eos-packagelist as it is.
The netinstall.yaml I listed hasn’t been updated for 28 days.
The one you listed was updated 7 days ago. I think the one you listed is the correct one.