Installation Roadblock and Uncertainties

Update: Cant seem to get the PBP to read the microSD card. Tried different function keys during startup and cant seem to find what I may be doing wrong. I’m thinking I may have corrupted the SD card when unmounting and ejecting.

Am I not reading the card right? or should I just format and clone the git to the microSD card from scratch again?

Pinebook pro supports very few micro SD cards.

That link says the sandisk ultra 32gb im using is good. Im going to try and remake the live boot from the instructions again and make sure I properly unmount and eject. Im thinking I may have corrupted it somehow.

The microSD is supposed to just work automatically in the PBP? I dont have to hit a F-key to open the UEFI or BIOS or anything?

No need it automatically works if you remove the eMMC module from inside the PBP

so theres a chance the micro sd is fine, and I just didnt know to remove the eMMC?

I feel terrible that I keep asking so many questions, but it seems there’s always more information I missed somehow.

Im gonna google more info on removing the eMMC and report back.

I seriously cant thank everyone enough in this thread so far, for your patience and sharing your knowledge. Thank you!

What’s this?

An install guide I had found on this forum when I was originally searching for help installing on my PineBook Pro.

The method of install offered in this thread was a lot easier in my opinion. I’m almost there! LOL

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I’ll be honest, I didn’t read the instructions you are following :slight_smile: but I have spent a lot of time in the past burning images of android, debian, arch linux and even endeavour for Cubieboard2 SBCs.

Are you writing an image to the SD card using dd? If so, I have found that it helps to run sync after the dd command completes. This forces any cached writes to be pushed to the SD card. It can take a long time to complete (like several minutes even 10+ minutes long, not 10 seconds long). This might be why you weren’t able to unmount the card. The OS might not have finished processing cached writes, in which case umount will seem to just hang.

Try writing the image to the card again. When it looks like the dd command has finished run the sync command and wait for it to finish. Then see if you are able to umount the SD card.

Thanks! Sounds interesting, Im gonna have to try that out and see if I have any luck! I’m starting to get tired, probably not the best state to be removing eMMCs or formatting/partitioning drives lol. Gonna get some sleep and give it all another try tomorrow.

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That is what this forum is all about. Plus a little monkeyshines mixed in. :crazy_face:


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So i feel like I am getting really close! I re-zeroed and cloned the git and was able to run the script and it installed images and partitioned successfully. I put the microSD in the PBP and viola endeavor live booted. Now there is where ive hit another small roadblock. According to the EOS ARM site I have to log into root root. However I wasnt asked to log in, and dont see the files even as root@alarm that i should be seeing.

Am I doing something wrong? Should I just install via the installer that pops up and just choose my DE, or do I need to follow this root root scenario to run the installer file?


No need to login or do nothing like that

Yes, just do this ensuring that you’re connected to the internet

Thank you, its now working. The first time I used the pop installer it got stuck and didnt get passed 0% in 30 mins (I know it moves slow sometimes, but it was stuck for sure.) and this time after a reboot it installed very quickly! I then restarted but I removed the microSD and it restarted in Manjaro! Do I need to always leave the microSD in??

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yes, your installation is on the microSD.

There is a way to copy your installation from microSD to the eMMc and it is given in the pine64 wiki. Let me know if you aren’t able to find it.

If you want to install it on the eMMc inside the PBP, you need to first remove it and then do the same process on the eMMc card. But you would require an eMMc adapter for that

Roger that, the battle continues…thank you!

read the pinebook pro documentation on pine64 wiki. You would get most of your questions answered there

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Thats my bad, I thought the pine64 was somehow different than PineBook Pro. I like to avoid asking too many questions that may be already answered elsewhere. Thanks for your time!

pine64 is the company that makes pinebook pro.

Embarrassingly enough I know that, but somehow had a brain fart and thought it was a desktop version or something. I think I was thinking of System76…stupid, I know. FML lol

I’m unable to find the exact instructions to flash my OS to eMMC… :pensive: