Install EndeavourOS (arm aarch64) on Parallel Desktop Mac M1

Install EndeavourOS (arm aarch64) on Parallel Desktop Mac M1

Format partition

mkfs.fat /dev/sdb1

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb2

Mount partition

mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt

Download archlinux arm

cd /mnt


bsdtar -xpf ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz

rm -rf ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz

Get into chroot

mount --bind /mnt /mnt && cd /mnt && rm /mnt/etc/resolv.conf && cp /etc/resolv.conf etc && mount -t proc /proc proc && mount --make-rslave --rbind /sys sys && mount --make-rslave --rbind /dev dev && mount --make-rslave --rbind /run run

chroot /mnt /bin/bash

prepare multiple download

nano /etc/pacman.conf

Search parallel and remove flag

ParallelDownloads = 5

Init pacman keyring

pacman-key --init

pacman-key --populate archlinuxarm

Commands for install

pacman -Syu base linux linux-firmware vim arch-install-scripts efibootmgr networkmanager network-manager-applet dialog os-prober mtools dosfstools base-devel linux-headers

prepare boot

ls /boot

cp -rv /boot/* /tmp/

mount /dev/sdb1 /boot ## mount boot efi partition

cp -rv /tmp/* /boot/

config system

dbus-uuidgen > /etc/machine-id ## Fix for missing machine-id

genfstab / >> /etc/fstab ## Check your fstab after issuing this command to make sure there aren’t other partitions

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Rome /etc/localtime ## This is if you’re located in Europe with Rome’s timezone

hwclock --systohc

nano /etc/locale.gen ## Select your locales


echo “LANG=it_IT.UTF-8” >> /etc/locale.conf ##Assuming you want this locale

echo “endeavouros” >> /etc/hostname

nano /etc/hosts ## Here we use vim to modify the hosts file

ADD MANUAL IP localhost

::1 localhost

Install bootloader

bootctl --path=/boot install ## Here we begin setting up systemd-boot

Enable NetworkManager

systemctl enable NetworkManager


nano /boot/loader/loader.conf

timeout 10

#console-mode keep

default arch-*


nano /boot/loader/entries/entries.arch.conf

title EndeavourOS

linux /Image

initrd /initramfs-linux.img

options root=/dev/sdb2 rw

Download script in /opt

cd /opt

For endeavourOS

git clone

Exit ssh

Create system into parallel

System Debian

halt system

Create VM

Start EndeavouOS

cd /opt/install-script

chmod 777


hei @specialworld83 :fist:
So kind of running EndeavourOS on M1 already :star_struck:

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The next step is to run it natively using the asahi linux scripts.


will be interesting to see :wink:
@pudge ?

There’s always room in the EndeavourOS Inn for tutorials. etc. that utilize EndeavourOS ARM. Actually Arch Linux Arm.

I of course do not own a Mac M1. Never have owned anything Apple, and never will.


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I learned all I need to know about Apple when I was a toddler - too many of the apples I found on the ground (we had 2 trees) were encumbered by worms, or wasps.

What’s worse than finding a worm in an apple? Half a worm in half an apple… :duck:


Grazie mille @specialworld83 I have added the tutorial on the EndeavourOS ARM website.


@Bryanpwo Even if I’m not always there, Endeavous OS is in my heart and I will do everything to be able to bring it to Mac m1. Expect Asahi Linux releases 100% working scripts to bring EOS to Apple’s ARM processor.

Heartfelt thanks to all of you for this great community


How is it looking around these days? There’s lots of distros I’ve seen Asahi support on the Apple silicon chip series but no EOS :frowning: would love to run it my MacBook

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