Install EndeavourOS (arm aarch64) on Parallel Desktop Mac M1
Format partition
mkfs.fat /dev/sdb1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb2
Mount partition
mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt
Download archlinux arm
cd /mnt
bsdtar -xpf ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz
rm -rf ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz
Get into chroot
mount --bind /mnt /mnt && cd /mnt && rm /mnt/etc/resolv.conf && cp /etc/resolv.conf etc && mount -t proc /proc proc && mount --make-rslave --rbind /sys sys && mount --make-rslave --rbind /dev dev && mount --make-rslave --rbind /run run
chroot /mnt /bin/bash
prepare multiple download
nano /etc/pacman.conf
Search parallel and remove flag
ParallelDownloads = 5
Init pacman keyring
pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate archlinuxarm
Commands for install
pacman -Syu base linux linux-firmware vim arch-install-scripts efibootmgr networkmanager network-manager-applet dialog os-prober mtools dosfstools base-devel linux-headers
prepare boot
ls /boot
cp -rv /boot/* /tmp/
mount /dev/sdb1 /boot ## mount boot efi partition
cp -rv /tmp/* /boot/
config system
dbus-uuidgen > /etc/machine-id ## Fix for missing machine-id
genfstab / >> /etc/fstab ## Check your fstab after issuing this command to make sure there aren’t other partitions
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Rome /etc/localtime ## This is if you’re located in Europe with Rome’s timezone
hwclock --systohc
nano /etc/locale.gen ## Select your locales
echo “LANG=it_IT.UTF-8” >> /etc/locale.conf ##Assuming you want this locale
echo “endeavouros” >> /etc/hostname
nano /etc/hosts ## Here we use vim to modify the hosts file
ADD MANUAL IP localhost
::1 localhost
Install bootloader
bootctl --path=/boot install ## Here we begin setting up systemd-boot
Enable NetworkManager
systemctl enable NetworkManager
nano /boot/loader/loader.conf
timeout 10
#console-mode keep
default arch-*
nano /boot/loader/entries/entries.arch.conf
title EndeavourOS
linux /Image
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root=/dev/sdb2 rw
Download script in /opt
cd /opt
For endeavourOS
git clone
Exit ssh
Create system into parallel
System Debian
halt system
Create VM
Start EndeavouOS
cd /opt/install-script
chmod 777