I3wm for EOS net-install - lets do it together!

Hi, guys.

I use Antergos on my home PCs… I started migrating all of them to EOS.

But I still have Antergos on my work laptop since I want to test EOS first.

I use i3gaps for my daily work tasks, and I’m interested on EOS-i3. I’d like to try it and to collaborate with the project.

Software I think must be included in EOS-i3 (mainly for work):

  • i3gaps + polybar
  • Appstarter: dmenu
  • Screenlocker: xautolock + i3lock
  • Terminal: termite + zsh + ohmyzsh + POWERLEVEL9K
  • Browser: Firefox
  • Filemanager: PCmanFM
  • Editor: vim

Thanks and let me know how I can help with this project.


The goal is to have a minimal working setup, without using AUR package builds…
I would like to have a nice configurable terminal, but taking care of minimal dependency here too.


I am a Vivaldi user too, using herecura Repo.
Default Browser will be Firefox, it is the only non chromium option.
And as always it is easy to install your Browser of choice. And also something we could have a wiki page for.


@joekamprad, I understand what you are saying… and I agree with a minimal, no-AUR setup… I think that in any case, the people who will install i3 as a WM it’s also capable of set up the other stuff…

Maybe we can add in the wiki something like “things to do after the install” or “beautify your EOS-i3 if you want” with ideas or recommendations.


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like a Tips and Tricks tutorial !

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# Lock the system
bindsym $mod+l exec i3lock -i ~/.config/i3/i3-lock-screen.png -t -f
community/i3lock 2.12-1 (21.9 KiB 95.0 KiB) [i3] (Installed)
    Improved screenlocker based upon XCB and PAM

i3lock is simple and working :wink: but there are a lot other options:

aur/i3lock-script (+0 0.00%) 
    Fork of i3lock-git, that allows to execute a script if authentication fails
aur/simplelock r3.bc8f7c3-1 (+0 0.00%) 
    Fast and simple wrapper over i3lock with multiple modes. Supports xkcd and unsplash
aur/i3lock-popoffka-git 353dd3-1 (+0 0.00%) 
    An improved screenlocker based upon XCB and PAM (Popoffka fork)
aur/i3lock-blur 2.10-3 (+0 0.00%) 
    An improved screenlocker based upon XCB and PAM with background blurring filter
aur/i3lock-fancy-rapid-git r13.80467db-1 (+0 0.00%) 
    A faster implementation of i3lock-fancy
aur/i3lock-cri 2.11.1.cri-3 (+0 0.00%) 
    An improved screenlocker based upon XCB and PAM - cri's version
aur/betterlockscreen-noeffects 4.0.0-4 (+0 0.00%) 
    A simple lock script for i3lock-color
aur/i3lock-s3lph-git r317.50d1174-1 (+0 0.00%) 
    An improved screenlocker based upon XCB and PAM (s3lph fork)
aur/i3lockmore-git r14.2cfed53-1 (+0 0.00%) 
    A wrapper for i3lock that adds additional functionality
aur/i3lock-fancier-git 84aa35006f1cab8eb15f992c1b68dd41cbaab99b-3 (+0 0.00%) (Out-of-date 2019-05-26) 
    i3lock fork that adds keyboard layout indicator
aur/corrupter-bin 1.0-1 (+1 0.33%) 
    Simple image glitcher for producing nice i3lock backgrounds - Binary version
aur/i3lock-cac03-git 2bfcb7-2 (+1 0.00%) 
    An improved screenlocker based upon XCB and PAM (cac03 fork) with clock, layout indicator, CAPS indicator
aur/mantablockscreen 0.3-1 (+1 0.02%) 
    Another i3lock-color wrapper that mantab
aur/i3lock-next-git r69.c7634f4-1 (+1 0.00%) 
    Create a fancy image to use with i3lock.
aur/i3lock-spy 2.4.4-3 (+3 0.00%) 
    A screenlocker with intruder detection designed for JustBrowsing
aur/corrupter-git r28.0ddcd9b-1 (+4 1.38%) 
    Simple image glitcher suitable for producing nice looking i3lock backgrounds
aur/betterlockscreen-git r98.d877b69-2 (+5 0.00%) 
    A simple lock script for i3lock-color
aur/i3lock-fancy-dualmonitors-git r89.9539878-2 (+11 0.02%) 
    i3lock-color script: blurs background, adds lock icon and text with multihead support.
aur/betterlockscreen 3.0.1-4 (+21 1.53%) 
    A simple lock script for i3lock-color
aur/i3lock-color-git r506.5bbdd02-1 (+31 0.46%) 
    An improved screenlocker based upon XCB and PAM with color configuration support
aur/i3lock-fancy-git r161.7217cb5-1 (+46 1.16%) 
    i3lock-color script: blurs background, adds lock icon and text, offers dark/light background detection.
aur/i3lock-git 2.12.r0.gabe1e3c-1 (+57 0.02%) 
    An improved screenlocker based upon XCB and PAM
community/i3lock-color 2.12.c-1 (41.1 KiB 148.0 KiB) 
    improved screenlocker with color configuration support

And so on and so on so giving a working simple solution is the way to go, if you will use something like i3 you need to get into the configs and need to tinker on it.

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I agree with the minimal setup. There are 2 kinds of people, as far as we are concerned:

  • Those who already use i3;
  • Those who will try i3;

For the first group, they already have a personal config so keeping it minimal is the way to go. For the second group of people, they will want to create their own “version/config” of i3, so keeping it minimal is also the way to go.

I suggest, therefore, i3wm (no gaps), i3lock, bash (no zsh, even though I use it), firefox, pcmanfm, vim. Though now i3locks-contrib is in the aur, that should perhaps be added as well?


→ we can ship used scripts for i3blocks inside configuration, so we do not need to maintain another package.
like i have here:

Alright, that’s good! Also, please avoid using conky stuff! Is there any ETA for when i3 will be available? I plan to format my computer soon and I want to use EOS.

It will be ready when it is ready…:smiley:


Where is the work on this taking place? I would like to see how it’s going, perhaps even help.

Hi, guys… Is there any progress? some place where we can collaborate?


hi, some good tips for i3wm ? i installed just that 5-6 package from group, without gaps

you will need a configuration to start with it :wink:

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“good” answer :smirk:

i will update this to do not use fingerprint reader so you can use it as it is then…

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not testet, only rewritten by hand and head :wink:


Now im busy with The Witcher​:wink:


Done, 300 Mb ram, is fast , but… need to search any app​:see_no_evil::thinking:… solution for panel apps like whisker menu??:grimacing:

thats not the point of i: :smiley: but there are other solutions with rofi menu even i3-dmenu-desktop you see only you have to crawl over it .; :slight_smile:

think rofi has something it shows in the middle ?