# i3-EndeavourOS
## joekamprad: setup for i3 under [EndeavourOS](https://endeavouros.com)
## setup for i3-Wm on EndeavourOS running on a thinkpad with fingerprint reader:
* get my dot files
* copy files to the right directories (.config of your user and pam files under /etc/pam.d {needed for fingerprint-gui to work}):
* scripts inside ~/.config/i3/scripts must be executable ! [chmod +x] them please ;)
`git clone https://github.com/killajoe/i3-EndeavourOS.git`
`cd i3-EndeavourOS`
`cp -R .config/i3 ~/.config/`
`chmod -R +x ~/.config/i3/scripts` (make scripts executable)
`cp .Xresources ~/` (needed colorcheme for menu)
* copy files needed for fingerprint gui:
This file has been truncated. show original