I need help booting to EOS


I started the installation again and i also unbinded the other ssd but it failed again, that’s the reason you don’t see the other ssd here in this log

no clue really… never saw such error. and its not full at all nothing written.

Looks like an issue with the nvram from what i see on research, not the EFI partion and instead the NVRAM on the motherboard where it stores boot entries for the efi menu.

Can you check efibootmgr -v | eos-sendlog ?

It is also strange to me ,
And one little explanation, the reason i removed the other ssd was to see if it helps the installation, because, a while back i clean installed the windows but it would fail and i googled and found out that any extra usb device should be disconnected so i also unbinded my other usb , it did really worked , and i thought it maybe work here to (for installing Linux) but it didn’t.
Idk why but i just plugged the labtop to power and connected it to Internet (but choosed the offline installation) but it failed again.

Now I’m trying the online installation (with the other ssd unbinded and labtop connected to power)

Will say what happen

you can try to clean off old entries, space is very limited there and it is not designed to add endless entries.

sudo efibootmgr -b 4 -B where 4 is the entry number…


example only indeed…

Yes sure , here=

Failed again

I looked it my self , i only have windows and the usb (which EOS iso is in it) as boot entry

And this is my installation log for right now when the online installation failed=

looks strange also never saw such entries with this data: dp: entries in the end usually it is a path obly with number but not that way… with all the spaces…
You are sure it does not have secure boot still enabled? and only allows the usb to boot with it? to me the entries looking like keys… usually it should look like this:

We see a lot of efi systems are done really strange …

possible to add --no-nvram option to grub command manually … this would not write there and should install properly… only you would not have an entry in the efi firmware to use…

I double checked it’s disabled

I have bo idea how to do it , can you tell me how

Not to hijack on joe
but go back to your bios boot and where it says
Boot Option #1 Windows Boot Manager (SAMS
see if you can add a new boot option and use that instead. maybe why even though secure boot is disabled its acting like it is then again it could be absolutely pointless and not do anything at all I’m just guessing

Like adding what ? I mean a new boot option for the windows again or the usb that EOS iso is on?

I only have these , the windows and the usb, because the installation of the EOS wasn’t successful the other ssd is not shown here but it is plugged in the device

Be careful with Secure Boot that may be Enabled by BIOS for some reason. I often read about it.

Thanks for the advice, but as I’m seeing here it says disabled

not the easy thing to do :wink: manipulating installer code…

kate /usr/lib/calamares/modules/bootloader/main.py

                                   "--target=" + efi_target,
                                   "--efi-directory=" + efi_directory,
                                   "--bootloader-id=" + efi_bootloader_id,

Line 655 adding it after force as you can see here… also not 100% sure if this will get applied but should… if you have a minute i can try