I hope I am Still Welcome!

GRUB was never problematic, just not idiot-proof. User errors can still cause failure to boot with GRUB, that has not changed.

My advice, for what it’s worth, is to stick to soystemd-boot. It’s the default on EndeavourOS for a reason.

I started to remember a bit. I remember ed and searched here and I found I better make a hook to install Grub after update.
This thread

I hope this hook makes it OK and it will not break. What you think?
I hope it helps.

If it’s just a VM, try everything. Learn why and how things break. It’s literally why they created the ability to do them. Test and test again.

It wasn’t ever problematic, so as noted, if you think it was. . . Then I guess it still would be for you as that is a user centric issue. You’d have to ask yourself in the mirror, not the forum.


The existence of a similar hook was exactly the reason why GRUB broke on EndeavourOS. :rofl:

I will try and see.

Thanks @fbodymechanic

But really, I would try to understand and try to break things in a VM. You’ll learn lot and you don’t care when it’s broken.

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This why I made this thread What is Best, VirtualBox, VMWare or virt-manager

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I use boxes. It comes in GNOME and is by far the easiest to use imo.

I even used it on plasma.

If you’ve already installed with systemd-boot i would just run with that. I was just trying to let you know what I’ve been using for a while and I like the setup. I don’t tend to have many issues with grub or anything else but i can and i have at times. Sometimes it’s caused by the user. :laughing:

I will try and behave!

Reviewing the forum and my previous posts I found there was another issue I had. Baloo didn’t then play well with BTRFS, and I had to use recoll and disable Baloo.
This thread Make Dolphin Use Recoll "kio_recoll" Installed

A question I got now, how is dasini and dracut now they are default now or do I need to do anything?

I am happy with the challenges!
Why I am doing this to myself?!!!