I can't install EOS on my main computer

I have latest EOS image file on my ventoy whic I used it on multiple occasions without problem. Today I wanted to install it on my main work computer without success. I encoutered the same problem described on this topic but I don’t understand exactly what is the solution.

First I tried start live EOS from USB on my laptop with nvidia geForce 920mx and it worked fine. On my main computer I have geForce GT 710 and it stops before EOS is loaded like in mentioned post. The only unussual thing on thic PC is that I have three monitors hooked to it, but this shouldn’t be a problem right?

What exactly is the solution mentioned in that post?

Are you selecting Nvidia option during image boot up? (thats marked as solution)

I’ve encountered problems before on multiple distros when booting live usb environments with multiple monitors connected while not using proprietary nvidia drivers. Usually if installer / live usb doesnt have proprietary drivers by default I just unplug other monitors. EOS liveusb with nvidia works fine on my setup.

When it stops loading do you have any output, errors etc on the screen or just blank?

I tried all options with same results. I get the exact same error posted on screenshot in that post. I also tried to disconect power to other two monitors (I left them plugged in) and results were the same.

Now I will try to pull out monitor cables from GPU and seee how it goes. My GPU is not he latest, shoul I use NVIDA option or classic?

Which Nvidia gpu does your work computer have?

As I mentioned in my original post:

From memory thats Kepler GPU which is not supported in latest drivers anymore.
Taken from arch wiki;

For the Kepler (NVE0/GKXXX) series, install the nvidia-470xx-dkmsAUR package.

Just to be sure can you post image of error you are getting? On topic you linked issue was with drivers and using proprietary ones fixed it but GPU they had was more modern.

Geforce 710 ( NVE0 ) should be supported with nouveau; https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/FeatureMatrix.html

here it is

I thought your main computer and your work computer were two different computers, that’s why I asked. Now I know they are the same.

As @seeji you need the 470 drivers, maybe it’s an idea to use the launch option without nvidia drivers, then install your system and install the Nvidia drivers manually afterwards.

From my experience power off is not sufficient as GPU still detects them. I had to physically disconnect them from GPU.

Using nouveau drivers should work, or using option without nouveau or proprietary nvidia.

Not sure if you have already tried, but choose to boot EnOS ISO in Grub mode and see if it will boots up correctly.

Good idea, I completely forgot about Ventoy having multiple options for booting which may also affect things.

ah, thank you !! yes it works. First I tried nvidio options but it halted on blank screen with cursor blinking in top left corner, then I rebooted in normal mode and I manged to get into EOS live.


You are welcome! Glad it worked out!

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