How to know when can we have the KDE Plasma 6?

Is there a place where we can know how long will it take to have the new KDE Plasma 6? and what implications does it have? for example, the change to Wayland and stuff?

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Best answer you’re gonna get:

TL;DR: Plasma 6 is currently in the extra-testing repo, so it may take a little while for them to release it, as they will try their best to avoid the update breaking users’ systems.

This part of the wiki also links to the testing repos forum below (if you actually want to peruse it and find out yourself when it is likely to be fully tested and ready):


How to know when can we have the KDE Plasma 6?

sudo pacman -Syu




When Arch packagers decide it is ready, it will just show up in the updates, it’s as simple as that. You can check with checkupdates if that moment has arrived. You’ll update and you’ll have Plasma 6. It will look and feel slightly different, there will be new features, and expect a lot of bugs… Hopefully, it will not be rushed on Arch, as it still seems to be pretty broken. If you really want it now, it’s in the testing repos.

Change to Wayland is optional, for now.


If you use 3rd party widgets, prepare to miss them. Few have been ported.
There are also lots of migration-related papercuts. For example, you might have a setting on but it won’t work until you re-apply it (had this with display switching off).


Oh thanks! that’s right! it should be on the archlinux site, but after that, will be automatic here in endeavouros? i’m just a little bit worried for the change to wayland, will be an easy way to change to Xorg? cause right now i only use Xorg

jajaja…ok, so it’ll be automatic :stuck_out_tongue: thanks but the date is unknown right? And it’s a lot of changes… :smiley:



Yeah…that’s why I’m asking, cause don’t want to deal with that much bugs or problems with software and the change to wayland and digital art software. Thanks :slight_smile:

I don’t think anyone could tell an exact date at this point. It will be “soonish” though.

Keep an eye on the threads here on the forum. And just run your regular updates. No need to rush into upgrading to testing packages if you as me.


Yeah, there is no fixed date. Just have to wait.


Ok, thanks for the info, i only use latte for extra widgets and the CPU, GPU, RAM and internet analytics…but could survive without them in the worst scenario. :slight_smile:

AWESOME! now i’m more relaxed and keep waiting for the update to arrive :smiley:

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Thanks! and i’m surprised by the answer speed! je… :slight_smile:

We are here 24/7/365-6. :sweat_smile:


That’s awesome! :smiley: i’m very happy to have changed to linux but above all…to endeavouros :smiley: i was afraid at first cause to say Arch seemed troublesome…and have been very fluent and working far better than the other distros i tried (manjaro/fedora)…and the forum has definitely surprised me too…so, thanks to all! :smiley:


It is not windows arch provides rolling release unlike debian or windows you get the latest softwares as soon as its available for getting into user’s desktop or pc

You can even get the software which is under testing from the testing repo

Arch is troublesome if you do not know what you are doing

Is there a safe way to not upgrade to Plasma 6 right out of the gate? If I understand it right I can do an “ignoreGroup” but I also read it as being pretty risky doing that. Basically I do want to upgrade, just down the road a bit, let the dust settle. Going to be bugs, a good number of addons/scripts/etc aren’t going to work until their devs get around to updating, etc etc. Normally I’m all for bleeding edge but this one time I’d like to hold back a tad. Nothing I can’t live without, just quality-of-life stuff etc. I survived Windows 11, I can certainly do this, and from what I’ve seen toying with Neon, 6 looks like an awesome upgrade.