Boot up your Parrot system and look at the .bashrc there (assuming it uses Bash as the default shell, if not, look at the appropriate config file). Steal the prompt from it. Easy!
many ways lead to rome, you can choose it based on the suggestions here.
Here’s an example from me of how you could proceed.
install zsh, get the zshrc from Blackarch Linux, for example, and change it to your liking. there are many options open to you. last but not least put the code into your .zshrc(/home/user/.zshrc) and that’s it.
on lines 6 and 7 you can configure everything that is visible in the terminal, such as determining the colors of elements.
between the square brackets [ ] you can determine the colors. %{$fg[blue]%}
you should of course find out which color belongs to which element, maybe just by trying it out. note that you have to save the change first and restart the terminal after each change, otherwise you won’t see the change.
this is with the original Blackarch linux zshrc file:
I found something like parrot terminal username and hostname(Title as From Arch Forum #1)
But I don’t know who to change color of it(username and hostname color)
I was using bash prompt generator but I think some character are not readable by generators