How to apply a patch

Every now and then I end up with an AUR package which won’t compile and when checking the respective AUR page applying a patch is recommended.
Up to now I never bothered applying patches but rather waited until the package itself got updated.

Today I ran into such a case again with ungoogled-chromium and I decided I now want to understand how patching works.
I did read up on it to some extend but must admit I am lost.

The patch is mentioned here:
The post from user neeks shows the content of the patch and a URL.
First question is, am I supposed to copy the patch content into a file and apply it manually to the source file with the patch command or should I rather use the URL in some way?
I tried the file route

- manually create file ~/p.txt
- cd to folder with source file
- patch < ~/p.txt

but I can hardly believe this is the appropriate way, didn’t work anyway :slight_smile:

I also read that one should modify the PKGBUILD file to apply the patch during the build process. But here again, I don’t really know what to do.

And once I managed to apply the patch I assume I either have to create the package manually or tell yay to not download/overwrite the patched file again?

Like I said, I could wait for this to resolve itself, but I’d like to understand how this works, hence it would be great if you someone could help me over the initial hurdles.


Like everything else, there is probably no single correct answer here but this is what I would do.

Before getting into specific issues with ungoogled-chromium, here is my general approach. What I would do with the patch for a package is:

  • Add it to the source array in the PKGBUILD
    • If there is a place the patch can be downloaded from, add the URL
    • If there isn’t, manually create the file and place it in the directory with the PKGBUILD
  • Add it’s checksum to the PKGBUILD
  • Apply the patch to the appropriate place in the PKGBUILD using patch filename < patchfile

In this specific case, there are some complications:

  • The patch is in code block on the internet and you need to copy/paste it. Make sure you are getting a clean paste, otherwise the patch won’t work
  • Even if you do get a good copy/paste, this may cause whitespace errors in the patch. Use patch -l, or the equivalent patch --ignore-whitespace, when that happens.
  • Since ungoogled-chromium is already a bunch of patches that get applied to the source, you need to know when to apply that patch. In this case, it is intended to be applied first, before all the other patches are applied.

If you would like, I can share what the modified PKGBUILD could look like for ungoogled-chromium.


Wow, this is more involved then what I expected.

A modified PKGBUILD would be great so I can learn from it.

By the way, is the diff command in line 1 part of the patch and hence needs to be copied into my patch file, or is this how the patch was created?

Sure, if you don’t mind, let me test it first to make it sure it works. I don’t want to post something broken.

Last time I built ungoogled-chromium I think it took 10-15 minutes so I will be back in a few.

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15 minutes?!! It took hours on my side with a i5 3317U CPU. it compiled every time there was an update, horrible! I just quit using it and installed the googled one:)

My 8 Core I7 needs hours :wink:

I have a prior generation threadripper. I forgot that I limited my build cores so it wouldn’t make my machine unusable during a build. It is about 75% done but since it is taking longer than expected and it successfully patched, this should work:

# Maintainer: Seppia <>
# Contributors: Eloston
# Derived from official Chromium and Inox PKGBUILDS and ungoogled-chromium buildkit

pkgdesc="A lightweight approach to removing Google web service dependency"
depends=('gtk3' 'nss' 'alsa-lib' 'xdg-utils' 'libxss' 'libcups' 'libgcrypt'
         'ttf-font' 'systemd' 'dbus' 'libpulse' 'pciutils' 'json-glib' 'libva'
         'desktop-file-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'jsoncpp' 'openjpeg2')
makedepends=('python' 'python2' 'gperf' 'yasm' 'mesa' 'ninja' 'nodejs' 'git'
             'clang' 'lld' 'gn' 'llvm' 'quilt')
optdepends=('pepper-flash: support for Flash content'
            'kdialog: needed for file dialogs in KDE'
            'gnome-keyring: for storing passwords in GNOME keyring'
            'kwallet: for storing passwords in KWallet'
            'libva-intel-driver: for hardware video acceleration with Intel GPUs'
            'libva-mesa-driver: for hardware video acceleration with AMD/ATI GPUs'
            'libva-vdpau-driver: for hardware video acceleration with NVIDIA GPUs')

# Possible replacements are listed in build/linux/unbundle/
# Keys are the names in the above script; values are the dependencies in Arch
declare -gA _system_libs=(
  #[libpng]=libpng            #

prepare() {

  # apply our patch
  patch -l $srcdir/chromium-$pkgver/v8/src/objects/ < $srcdir/mypatch2

  cd "$srcdir/chromium-$pkgver"

  msg2 'Pruning binaries'
  python "$_utils/" ./ "$_ungoogled_repo/pruning.list"
  msg2 'Applying patches'
  python "$_utils/" apply ./ "$_ungoogled_repo/patches" "$_ungoogled_archlinux_repo/patches"
  msg2 'Applying domain substitution'
  python "$_utils/" apply -r "$_ungoogled_repo/domain_regex.list" -f "$_ungoogled_repo/domain_substitution.list" -c domainsubcache.tar.gz ./

  # Force script incompatible with Python 3 to use /usr/bin/python2
  sed -i '1s|python$|&2|' third_party/dom_distiller_js/protoc_plugins/*.py

  mkdir -p third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin
  ln -s /usr/bin/node third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin/

  # Remove bundled libraries for which we will use the system copies; this
  # *should* do what the script does, with the
  # added benefit of not having to list all the remaining libraries
  local _lib
  for _lib in ${_unwanted_bundled_libs[@]}; do
    find -type f -path "*third_party/$_lib/*" \
      \! -path "*third_party/$_lib/chromium/*" \
      \! -path "*third_party/$_lib/google/*" \
      \! -path './base/third_party/icu/*' \
      \! -path './third_party/crashpad/crashpad/third_party/zlib/zlib_crashpad.h' \
      \! -path './third_party/pdfium/third_party/freetype/include/pstables.h' \
      \! -path './third_party/yasm/' \
      \! -regex '.*\.\(gn\|gni\|isolate\)' \

  python2 build/linux/unbundle/ \
    --system-libraries "${!_system_libs[@]}"

build() {

  make -C chromium-launcher-$_launcher_ver

  cd "$srcdir/chromium-$pkgver"

  if check_buildoption ccache y; then
    # Avoid falling back to preprocessor mode when sources contain time macros
    export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=time_macros

  export CC=clang
  export CXX=clang++
  export AR=llvm-ar
  export NM=llvm-nm

  mkdir -p out/Default

  # Assemble GN flags
  cp "$_ungoogled_repo/" "out/Default/"
  printf '\n' >> "out/Default/"
  cat "$_ungoogled_archlinux_repo/" >> "out/Default/"
  sed -i '/use_system_libopenjpeg2=true/d' "out/Default/"

  # Facilitate deterministic builds (taken from build/config/compiler/
  CFLAGS+='   -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined'
  CXXFLAGS+=' -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined'
  CPPFLAGS+=' -D__DATE__=  -D__TIME__=  -D__TIMESTAMP__='

  # Do not warn about unknown warning options
  CFLAGS+='   -Wno-unknown-warning-option'
  CXXFLAGS+=' -Wno-unknown-warning-option'

  msg2 'Configuring Chromium'
  gn gen out/Default --script-executable=/usr/bin/python2 --fail-on-unused-args
  msg2 'Building Chromium'
  ninja -C out/Default chrome chrome_sandbox chromedriver

package() {
  cd chromium-launcher-$_launcher_ver
  make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
  install -Dm644 LICENSE \

  cd "$srcdir/chromium-$pkgver"

  install -D out/Default/chrome "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/chromium"
  install -Dm4755 out/Default/chrome_sandbox "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/chrome-sandbox"
  ln -s /usr/lib/${pkgname#ungoogled-}/chromedriver "$pkgdir/usr/bin/chromedriver"

  install -Dm644 chrome/installer/linux/common/desktop.template \
  install -Dm644 chrome/app/resources/ \
  sed -i \
    -e "s/@@MENUNAME@@/Chromium/g" \
    -e "s/@@PACKAGE@@/chromium/g" \
    -e "s/@@USR_BIN_SYMLINK_NAME@@/chromium/g" \
    "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop" \

  cp \
    out/Default/{chrome_{100,200}_percent,resources}.pak \
    out/Default/{*.bin,chromedriver} \
  install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/locales" out/Default/locales/*.pak

  if [[ -z ${_system_libs[icu]+set} ]]; then
    cp out/Default/icudtl.dat "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/"

  for size in 24 48 64 128 256; do
    install -Dm644 "chrome/app/theme/chromium/product_logo_$size.png" \

  for size in 16 32; do
    install -Dm644 "chrome/app/theme/default_100_percent/chromium/product_logo_$size.png" \

  install -Dm644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/chromium/LICENSE"

# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

A couple of notes:

  • The patch is called mypatch2 but you can call it whatever you want.
  • Since the patch is copy/pasted, your checksum is probably going to be different than mine, you can generate a new sum with sha256sum patchfilename

If it doesn’t work, please share your error and we can figure it out. The patch happens as soon as it finishes unpacking so it will fail right away if there is a problem.


Looks like somehow the patch didn’t work?

[38139/38522] CXX obj/v8/v8_base_without_compiler/js-number-format.o
FAILED: obj/v8/v8_base_without_compiler/js-number-format.o 
clang++ -MMD -MF …
> lots of compiler flags
../../v8/src/objects/ -o obj/v8/v8_base_without_compiler/js-number-format.o
../../v8/src/objects/ error: no member named 'getAllFieldPositions' in 'icu_67::number::FormattedNumber'
    formatted.getAllFieldPositions(*fp_iter, status);
    ~~~~~~~~~ ^
1 error generated.
[38148/38522] CXX obj/v8/v8_base_without_compiler/runtime-collections.o
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
Error making: ungoogled-chromium

Are those lines part of the patch file?

diff -rupN a/v8/src/objects/ b/v8/src/objects/
--- a/v8/src/objects/    2020-04-27 21:39:11.000000000 -0400
+++ b/v8/src/objects/    2020-05-01 16:50:48.402713000 -0400
@@ -1197,42 +1197,31 @@ MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat> JSNumberForm

I tried with and without, didn’t change the error.
If your compiler is at 75% you probably haven’t hit file #38148 yet, let’s see if works at your end…

It worked for me, compiled and installed.

Did you clean build it?

Also, if you look at the very beginning of the output, you should see what the patch did.

It should be right after prepare:

==> Starting prepare()...
patching file /home/dalto/garbage/src/chromium-81.0.4044.129/v8/src/objects/
patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line
Hunk #6 succeeded at 1423 with fuzz 2.
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Took me a while to respond…tried all possible errors in the meantime :slight_smile:
First I had a typo in my PKGBUILD, then I missed that the patch file needs to be added in 2 positions and finally it turned out that my PKGBUILD file got overwriten half way through :slight_smile:

Running out of time now but will get back to it asap.

By the way, this is a really good exercise, you learn the most when things don’t work.


I am using it as an opportunity to learn something new as well and this

interests me as well.

I got the diff file from here -
and my build is failing with:

==> Starting prepare()...
patching file /home/ana/Projects/Git/ungoogled-chromium/ungoogled-chromium/build/src/chromium-81.0.4044.129/v8/src/objects/
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1241.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 1243 (offset -46 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 1365 (offset -46 lines).
Hunk #4 succeeded at 1385 (offset -46 lines).
Hunk #5 succeeded at 1414 (offset -46 lines).
Hunk #6 FAILED at 1480.
2 out of 6 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file /home/ana/Projects/Git/ungoogled-chromium/ungoogled-chromium/build/src/chromium-81.0.4044.129/v8/src/objects/
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare().

in both cases (with removed extra lines (with diff command)) and untouched.
I’ll try without -l option to patch I think.

What did you diff that against? I didn’t look carefully, but isn’t that commit, against a later version of

I think you could take the final version of that, diff it against what exists in src/chromium-81.0.4044.129/v8/src/objects/ and then cherry pick the parts that relate to ICU.

That commit was mentioned by the user who posted the patch on AUR. So, if I get this:
from that page it’s not what’s needed?

That’s what I got as well when I did my first manual test.

@dalto , the patch gets picked up now, but I get a new error after all the patches are applied:

==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting chromium-81.0.4044.129.tar.xz with bsdtar
  -> Extracting chromium-launcher-6.tar.gz with bsdtar
  -> Extracting 81.0.4044.129-1.tar.gz with bsdtar
  -> Extracting 54bc225e3a263be9a6b7dc5a33c5d713d9c42716.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Starting prepare()...
patching file /home/thomas/.cache/yay/ungoogled-chromium/src/chromium-81.0.4044.129/v8/src/objects/
  -> Pruning binaries
  -> Applying patches
INFO: Applying patches from /home/thomas/.cache/yay/ungoogled-chromium/src/ungoogled-chromium-81.0.4044.129-1/patches
INFO: * Applying 0001-fix-building-without-safebrowsing.patch (1/83)
patching file chrome/browser/
patching file chrome/browser/browser_process.h
patching file url/url_constants.h
patching file url/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/thomas/.cache/yay/ungoogled-chromium/src/ungoogled-chromium-81.0.4044.129-1/utils/", line 250, in <module>
  File "/home/thomas/.cache/yay/ungoogled-chromium/src/ungoogled-chromium-81.0.4044.129-1/utils/", line 246, in main
    args.callback(args, parser.error)
  File "/home/thomas/.cache/yay/ungoogled-chromium/src/ungoogled-chromium-81.0.4044.129-1/utils/", line 198, in _apply_callback
  File "/home/thomas/.cache/yay/ungoogled-chromium/src/ungoogled-chromium-81.0.4044.129-1/utils/", line 132, in apply_patches, check=True)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 512, in run
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/usr/bin/patch', '-p1', '--ignore-whitespace', '-i', '/home/thomas/.cache/yay/ungoogled-chromium/src/ungoogled-chromium-81.0.4044.129-1/patches/core/ungoogled-chromium/block-trk-and-subdomains.patch', '-d', '.', '--no-backup-if-mismatch', '--forward']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare().

Since your patch is offset by 46 lines and 2 hunks are failing I am guessing it is a patch against later source.

If you guys want, I can make a clean patch and post it. I just didn’t want to rain on your parade if you wanted to do it yourselves. :smile:


Did you clean build that? If so, can I see your PKGBUILD?

Yes, please do if @TomZ doesn’t mind . PKGBUILD stuff is already more than enough for learning :sweat_smile:


I did remove everything in ~/.cache/yay/ungoogled-chromium, so unless this process stores data outside of that folder I think I am doing a clean build.
This is what I did:

  1. used yay to download and extract the package again
  2. stopped yay when it was showing the patches as it was of course not picking up the patch
  3. modified PKGBUILD and copied my patch file to the PAKGBUILD folder
  4. ran makepkg
  5. got the error

My PKPGBUILD looks like below:


# Possible replacements are listed in build/linux/unbundle/
# Keys are the names in the above script; values are the dependencies in Arch
declare -gA _system_libs=(
  #[libpng]=libpng            #

prepare() {

  # apply our patch
  patch -l $srcdir/chromium-$pkgver/v8/src/objects/ < $srcdir/p.txt

  cd "$srcdir/chromium-$pkgver"

  msg2 'Pruning binaries'
  python "$_utils/" ./ "$_ungoogled_repo/pruning.list"
  msg2 'Applying patches'
  python "$_utils/" apply ./ "$_ungoogled_repo/patches" "$_ungoogled_archlinux_repo/patches"
  msg2 'Applying domain substitution'
  python "$_utils/" apply -r "$_ungoogled_repo/domain_regex.list" -f "$_ungoogled_repo/domain_substitution.list" -c domainsubcache.tar.gz ./

  # Force script incompatible with Python 3 to use /usr/bin/python2
  sed -i '1s|python$|&2|' third_party/dom_distiller_js/protoc_plugins/*.py

  mkdir -p third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin
  ln -s /usr/bin/node third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin/

  # Remove bundled libraries for which we will use the system copies; this
  # *should* do what the script does, with the
  # added benefit of not having to list all the remaining libraries
  local _lib
  for _lib in ${_unwanted_bundled_libs[@]}; do
    find -type f -path "*third_party/$_lib/*" \
      \! -path "*third_party/$_lib/chromium/*" \
      \! -path "*third_party/$_lib/google/*" \
      \! -path './base/third_party/icu/*' \
      \! -path './third_party/crashpad/crashpad/third_party/zlib/zlib_crashpad.h' \
      \! -path './third_party/pdfium/third_party/freetype/include/pstables.h' \
      \! -path './third_party/yasm/' \
      \! -regex '.*\.\(gn\|gni\|isolate\)' \

  python2 build/linux/unbundle/ \
    --system-libraries "${!_system_libs[@]}"

build() {

  make -C chromium-launcher-$_launcher_ver

  cd "$srcdir/chromium-$pkgver"

  if check_buildoption ccache y; then
    # Avoid falling back to preprocessor mode when sources contain time macros
    export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=time_macros

  export CC=clang
  export CXX=clang++
  export AR=llvm-ar
  export NM=llvm-nm

  mkdir -p out/Default

  # Assemble GN flags
  cp "$_ungoogled_repo/" "out/Default/"
  printf '\n' >> "out/Default/"
  cat "$_ungoogled_archlinux_repo/" >> "out/Default/"
  sed -i '/use_system_libopenjpeg2=true/d' "out/Default/"

  # Facilitate deterministic builds (taken from build/config/compiler/
  CFLAGS+='   -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined'
  CXXFLAGS+=' -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined'
  CPPFLAGS+=' -D__DATE__=  -D__TIME__=  -D__TIMESTAMP__='

  # Do not warn about unknown warning options
  CFLAGS+='   -Wno-unknown-warning-option'
  CXXFLAGS+=' -Wno-unknown-warning-option'

  msg2 'Configuring Chromium'
  gn gen out/Default --script-executable=/usr/bin/python2 --fail-on-unused-args
  msg2 'Building Chromium'
  ninja -C out/Default chrome chrome_sandbox chromedriver

package() {
  cd chromium-launcher-$_launcher_ver
  make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
  install -Dm644 LICENSE \

  cd "$srcdir/chromium-$pkgver"

  install -D out/Default/chrome "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/chromium"
  install -Dm4755 out/Default/chrome_sandbox "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/chrome-sandbox"
  ln -s /usr/lib/${pkgname#ungoogled-}/chromedriver "$pkgdir/usr/bin/chromedriver"

  install -Dm644 chrome/installer/linux/common/desktop.template \
  install -Dm644 chrome/app/resources/ \
  sed -i \
    -e "s/@@MENUNAME@@/Chromium/g" \
    -e "s/@@PACKAGE@@/chromium/g" \
    -e "s/@@USR_BIN_SYMLINK_NAME@@/chromium/g" \
    "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop" \

  cp \
    out/Default/{chrome_{100,200}_percent,resources}.pak \
    out/Default/{*.bin,chromedriver} \
  install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/locales" out/Default/locales/*.pak

  if [[ -z ${_system_libs[icu]+set} ]]; then
    cp out/Default/icudtl.dat "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/"

  for size in 24 48 64 128 256; do
    install -Dm644 "chrome/app/theme/chromium/product_logo_$size.png" \

  for size in 16 32; do
    install -Dm644 "chrome/app/theme/default_100_percent/chromium/product_logo_$size.png" \

  install -Dm644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/chromium/LICENSE"

# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

And my p.txt file starts with this:

 namespace {
-Maybe<icu::UnicodeString> IcuFormatNumber(
+Maybe<bool> IcuFormatNumber(
     Isolate* isolate,
     const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter& number_format,

I am still unsure if the 'diff ’ lines from the original post in AUR are required, tried with and without with the same result.

At this point, some of the files were already patched. I am not sure that running makepkg again would clean them up so it probably tried to patch them again.

The simplest way is simply to take the PKGBUILD and the patch, put them in folder together and then run makepkg -i. yay is only adding complexity in this situation.

Excellent, that did the trick! Patch was picked up and it’s now compiling. I’ll report back once it’s done.
And again a few new jigsaw pieces put in place…thanks for your patience @dalto!

Edit: Spoke too quick, compilation ran extreemly fast and things got stuck again here:

[38147/38522] CXX obj/v8/v8_base_without_compiler/js-number-format.o
FAILED: obj/v8/v8_base_without_compiler/js-number-format.o 
clang++ -MMD -MF obj/v8/v8_base_without_compiler/js-number-format.o.d 

Are the compiled object files stored in a tmp folder outside of .cache? This went too quick compared to the usual time.
‘sudo find / -name js-number-format.o’ didn’t return anything though.

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