How install qdiskinfo

How install qdiskinfo in endeavouros. I need to test the ssd

Hello @Pavlar!

yay -S qdiskinfo-bin or yay -S qdiskinfo it is in the AUR


I wouldn’t like to use yay because installing tor-browser using yay ruined my entire system.And on the Arch Linux forum they told me that using yay is killing the system because the scripts there are often poorly written

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I’m sorry, but it doesn’t work with pacman. You have to use yay.

(i have chosen the bin)

Thanks but I don’t want to reinstall the whole system again after using it yay. On the Arch Linux forum they told me that using yay is killing the system because the scripts there are often poorly written.Is there any analogue that can be installed using pacman?

Unfortunately, I have little experience of how to install AUR packages without using yay.

I haven’t had any problems with it yet and the system has been running for over 290 days.

Maybe another user can help you with this.

For example, in Manjaro, therefore, yay is not set by default, and they offer to put it there at your own peril and risk.

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Please do not compare Manjaro with Arch Linux or EndeavourOS. They are doing their own thing and don’t always have the latest version of packages which can lead to problems.


So consider yourself lucky that you didn’t end up with a broken script in yay. And because of him I have already reinstalled the system three times

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It’s a pity that you had such a bad experience with yay, but I can’t help you any further with my level of knowledge.

Have a nice day anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:

Manjaro has its own repositories and its own problems, but they don’t recommend using yay like in Arch Linux , where it’s not there at all :slight_smile:

and now I use
sudo smartctl -t long -a /dev/sda

You could try this:

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I find this

I’ve been using yay for the sixth year, and I don’t have any problems :+1:
Could there be a problem somewhere in your installation? :thinking:

You can use yay simply for downloading the AUR stuff and build and install the package with native Arch tools:

cd /tmp             # this command is optional but useful
yay -Ga qdiskinfo   # only downloads the build recipe
cd qdiskinfo
makepkg -cf         # builds the package
sudo pacman -U qdiskinfo-*.pkg.tar.zst   # if makepkg was OK, this line installs the package

Please note: if any error occur with any command, stop right there and show the full output here.
Tip: use prefix LANG=C in front of any command to display in English. For example:

LANG=C makepkg -cf

Endeavour ships with yay. If you feel uncomfortable with @manuel suggestion and with yay then use pacseek which I would highly recommend over pamac


I feel like a lot of people on that forum say that because it is recommended you install AUR packages manually. From my own experience, yay works fine. I didn’t have system breaking issues with it at all. There are multiple AUR helpers you can try if you don’t want to go with yay.
You could also just follow the build instructions from the repo and do what the AUR does anyway.

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If using yay and AUR in general is out of the question, you may build the program you need from source then. It’s not that hard, and there’s probably a guide how to do it with your program on their github page

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A very general statement - you should read the pkgbuild as you install.

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