Gnome Screen Record Won't Start

I can use Gnome screen record to grab screenshots, but I cannot perform a screen record. The red display flashes in the tray, but that’s it.

Need to ask for some help to hopefully get this working, I’m in uncertain territory here. :slight_smile:

I did some searching and think in my limited understanding that these may play a part, but if so I’m not sure how to verify that or fix it:

systemctl --user status pipewire.socket
○ pipewire.socket
     Loaded: masked (Reason: Unit pipewire.socket is masked.)
     Active: inactive (dead)
systemctl --user status pipewire.service
○ pipewire.service - PipeWire Multimedia Service
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/pipewire.service; disabled; preset: >
     Active: inactive (dead)

Pipewire socket is masked.
Pipewire service is not enabled.

Quick and dirty solution:
Unmask pipewire.socket, enable pipewire.service. Reboot.

In case, pipewire is not installed correctly, update your system
and look here:

That works, can easily screen record. But I created a new problem…can’t choose output to external speakers. :joy:

The output and input are greyed out and speaker test shows “null.”

Maybe a driver-issue. Please create a new thread describing the new problem together with hardware-info.

Also, see here and here.


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