Gnome Got €1 Million For Development

My KDE looks like mac though but a lot nicer than how Gnome does it for my taste.

WhatsApp on GNU/Linux, RMS is going to be rolling on his apartment. (joke)

Also don’t think Gnome has anything in commont with OSX/MacOS design-wise. It’s Pantheon/ElementaryOS that really want to emulate OSX/MacOS UX (I believe it’s specifically aimed to convert OSX/MacOS user, it would be perfect if they team up with Asahi imo).

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Y’all are thinking about design in terms of how it looks. I am thinking about design in terms of feel. Mac users get a system that is hard to tweak/change for an average user. Windows users get a system that allows you to do anything just by clicking around until you like it.

The is most evident in the file default managers and built-in task bars when you compare them to Gnome and KDE respectively.

I don’t think most people who uses MacOS sought to customize their desktop.

Same thing with Gnome.

From my observations those who likes to theme their Gnomes usually eventually moves on to other DE.

Those who stayed, understand and accept the design paradigm/user experience and likes it, will relatively keep it default looking.

This is really funny. Somebody posts something about “gnome development funding” and who is replying to the original post? All the gnome haters and non-gnome users.

OMG. You guys need some help. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well, technically the OP started it.

The OP is me, by the way. :sweat_smile:

maybe only for a personal budget.

In the reality of programming this isn’t a big drop in the bucket. You have to figure the first seven hundred thousand will only cover a few salaries not leaving a lot left for actual development.

So I have to agree with @mihalycsaba its a tax write off.

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I hoped that the EndeavourOS forum stays as a “hate free” space. Hate is everywhere in the internet. Should’nt be here in the forum. But unfortunately it is getting more.

My point of view: If you hate something, keep it to yourself. We do not need to know.


I may or may not like Gnome, but either way it’s no reason for me to hate it, or to have an opinion about people who do use it.

I think freedom of choice is important, so it’s important that there are things to choose from.


They hate us, cuz they ain’t us. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I hope they do this often tbh.

Looking at annual reports:

1 Mil euro seems would cover the entire budget for a year (cmiiw).




Are we to assume that Gnome users are hard of hearing??? :zipper_mouth_face:


It’s open to interpretation! :wink:


Me thinks you have taken something intended as a joke and blown it up. Most of the replies to this post have been either positive or constructive.

But I do agree that this forum is a place to love EnOS and Arch Linux, regardless of whether we see eye-to-eye on certain aspects of Linux.

PS: And regardless if you’re wrong for liking Gnome, and I’m right for not liking it. :sweat_smile:

That is the point, though, isn’t it?

Apple users and Gnome users are akin in that they get accustomed to not having certain features and over time they eventually like it that way.

The opposite would be said for Windows and Linux/Android users.

When you get used to something, there are usually two outcomes:

  • You end up liking it
  • You end up believing there is nothing better or there is no other option

This second one obviously doesn’t apply to everything, but I’d say it applies here.


They may very well like it because it is the way it is and not because they grow accustomed to

You are not born as Mac or Gnome user.


True. Sometimes, I like it when some things in my life are simplified. But for the most part, I prefer to customise.

For the League players (and ex ones like myself).



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So, your opinion is that a community forum is the wrong place to express opinions?

I’ve done it again in another thread but I’ll do it again because people seem to forget:

forum definition: a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
Example: “we hope these pages act as a forum for debate

Now, if you are talking specifically about insults, then I’m 100% with you.
People should avoid insulting others.

Though my guess is you aren’t talking about insults, because I’m pretty sure that was intended as an insult towards those that disagree with your views:


Disdain towards a “product” (either it is Gnome, or X, or Wayland, or Ubuntu, or iPhone, or Android, or anything) is a valid opinion, as long as expressed respectfully.
Opinions are subjective by nature.
Forums are by definition the place to freely express and debate differing opinions on relevant topics.

My friendly suggestion would be, make an conversational effort to understand why people dislike/hate Gnome (if they express that), rather than dismiss their views as baseless hate.

For example, I strongly dislike the fact that there is a huge UX hole that is appindicators/tray-icons (which from the Gnome team trying to work on it appears to be apparent that they agree it is an issue) being dragged for ~2 years unresolved while the person working on it has RedHat’s Fedora telemetry at higher priority.

Of course an argument could be made, that the feature is applicable through extensions.
But I’m honestly confused when people preach Gnome’s defaults, while littering their system with a bunch of extensions that do what I would consider “the absolute basics”.

Respectfully :slight_smile:

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