I tried many many times and nothing is working 'til now…
I installed appmenu-gtk-module from arch repo but the element is not shown in the panel settings. According to the vala-panel-appmenu documentation, I also get the commands for xfce4-query […] but nothing is working.
Then I tried installing it and its components from AUR but without any success. I also tried to export some environment variables and I added some lines to some .config files according with the plugin’s documentation.I don’t find any relative infos on the arch wiki, so I’m asking if there’s something I must change in some specific .config or if I need some libraries that usually is not present in arch.
Any ideas?
Did you check the variable GTK_MODULES contains appmenu-gtk-module :
Buongiorno @Flusso_Canalizzatore ,
As written here:
This package makes the stable packages, no suffix. The -git
packages are incompatible. If you want to switch to the -git
packages, uninstall all related packages. Then build and install in this order:
having dome these installations you can add Panel 2 by right-clicking to Panel 1 > Panel > Panel Preferences +
As you know Firefox is by default not the best for testing. Try libreoffice or
Edit 1:
An old topic was here
As it doesn’t work with all aplications out of curiosity I checked in Manjaro XFCE
with this https://gist.github.com/megacos/6a4fdccee5afb10d50843e199c2f6831
It behaves better.
Edit 2:
Overview/Summary: You belong to a minority with XFCE not to mention Global menu in it.
From scratch:
yay mate-terminal
yay appmenu-glib-translator-git
yay vala-panel-git
yay vala-panel-appmenu-xfce-git
yay vala-panel-appmenu-registrar-git
yay ungoogled-chromium-bin
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/ShellShowsMenubar -n -t bool -s true
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/ShellShowsAppmenu -n -t bool -s true
xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/titleless_maximize -s true
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/Modules -n -t string -s "appmenu-gtk-module"
xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/button_layout -s "O|HMC"
OR if you don't feel the OSX window keys setting i.e. less mouse movements
xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/button_layout -s "CHM|O"
brave-bin browser is also supports Global menu…
I swear i saw Firefox global menu but did not make a backup.
KDE provides this by default but this above works for the few people who prefer XFCE.
Re manuel’s question Wayland on XFCE.
Having installed
wayland session lets me in. How to go further?
Is this ‘drink’ – XFCE on wayland – ready for consumption?
('Hyprland: A highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor ’
@Flusso_Canalizzatore check out one of them ML4W on EnOS )
Are you using x11 or wayland?
X11 for now. I hope to switch to wayland as soon as possible, but I’m having issues for this too, being wayland just experimental for XFCE.
I did. It’s in.
The procedure you posted had messed a bit my window manager but after a couple of hour I was able to restore my default configuration. Anyway, now it seems it works but for couple of apps like Gimp and Ardour. For other apps like Nemo, Inkscape and others seems to be ok.
If you kindly tell me how to fix this for those apps I can sign this thread as solved.
Thanks a lot!
It’s illogical. Do you think I can transform the misbehaving applications to be suitable to global menu?
Use global menu widget in Plasma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfsCqGv3W60
I use XFCE, not Plasma. Lighter, faster and easy to customize.
Anyway, I just thought that some applications need to be “addressed” to use appmenu plugin or maybe to add some environment variable.
To me, it’s illogical that if the appmenu plugin works as I can see, there are some apps that seems to avoid it. That’s why I ask if there is a way to make possible.
Then, for those are interested, I suggest to avoidsome parts that are not necessary, just installing and set:
yay appmenu-glib-translator-git
yay vala-panel-git
yay vala-panel-appmenu-xfce-git
yay vala-panel-appmenu-registrar-git
yay ungoogled-chromium-bin
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/ShellShowsMenubar -n -t bool -s true
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/ShellShowsAppmenu -n -t bool -s true
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/Modules -n -t string -s "appmenu-gtk-module"
That’s because all the keyboard shortcuts change, as the behaviour of windows become totally different.
Then, for some reason that I don’t understand, Budgie come with the installation of appmenu and it’s dependencies.
I did all that, and it did work, but there are two things that don’t work as expected:
The plugin keeps losing its settings after each re-login, resulting in needing to uncheck its resize option each time. It’s very annoying, because xfce restarts with the appmenu centered in the panel instead of on the left.
When launching and there are no apps open, it’'s supposed to show the Desktop Files Pictures etc menu. But if you click on the empty desktop, it changes that menu to a plain “XfDesktop” menu item. This is not the right behavior, it’s supposed to say Desktop Files etc. Somehow the exception it has for the desktop to not be seen as an app, is getting lost.
Any help with these two things?
It happens to me too exactly the same.
Instead I use regularly on Devuan. just install it and it works without too many issues.
But, you know, here we are on Arch and a lot of things are different. So, for sure there’s some setting to change. But it could be a bet understanding what setting need to be changed!
@Eugenia ,
ad 1
Right-click onto panel > Panel Preferences
If you lock it should not move.
ad 2
Click on XfDesktop and select Quit
It returns to the first menu after log-in (Desktop Files …)
No, none of the two suggestions work. The Lock there is for the panel itself, not for the applets within. As for quitting XFdesktop and returning to the Desktop menu, that quickly disappears the moment you click on the desktop again, or if you open an app and return to the desktop again. It’s not a fix.
@Eugenia ,
How many panels do you use?
I tried to describe my ‘operational experience’. I did not write this is a fix. These are features. Why to left-click on desktop? Do you use several monitors? How about using a full-screen app
that catches your left-clicks. Yes, you need fixes and not stupid workarounds.
Just one more idea xdotool commands in a script can automate some sequences.
Sorry to say I tested both in EnOs Mercury and in Ditana as well which is still in beta I wouldn’t recommend you.
The order of installation matters and there is a ‘mystique factor’ which can be translated to an old rule: a computer does what it is instructed to and not what you are thinking of.
About the unreliability:
First I used mate-terminal to see in Global menu now only gnome-terminal works with it.
Chromium is OK
Check this out:
I use a single panel on the top, and Plank on the bottom. When it comes to installation, I simply used the one provided in this post by [Flusso_Canalizzatore] above.
@Eugenia ,
Some important things have finally been clarified.
I use separate 2 panels on the top. Panel 2 on the left and the original Panel 1 on the right.
I’m not an XFCE ‘matador’. I chose vertical mode temporarily to move #1 to the middle and back to horizontal. the two panels do not intervene to each other and so do not change their positions.
Plank is down and does not disturb much ‘water’ in Hunglish.
@Flusso_Canalizzatore apparently has not read much about the current support of apps for global menu. Not all are collaborative.
My issues have nothing to do with how I setup the panels. They are actual bugs of various libraries, including libwnck3. The same setup works fine on Linux Mint XFce, for example, without issues (but with older versions, since the one we use on EndeavourOS is from git).
Its a 10 minute problem. I reinstalled EnOS Mercury lts did exactly what is in post 9 and cann’t
reproduce your problem.
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