I’m not the expert on btrfs so I’ll let someone who knows more answer your questions.
Thanks for all your help!
I wonder if Dalto hangs around here as well. He seem to be the dev for it, it seem to be baked in to Garuda.
The only thing I’m a bit warry about if Grub once again shit itself, is how easy to is to restore with BTRFS Assistance from a livecd. Else I would easily switch.
Do you have by any chance autodefrag among your mount options i /etc/fstab?
There was an issue with btrfs-transaction writing a lot to the disk some time ago due to some kernel regression. However it got resolved after an update if I remember correctly.
I just disabled BTRFS Quota’s and it seems they disappeared.
Seems like they indeed are!
You can actually remove them.
Please see this thread for other options:
What are btrfs quota’s for anyway?
It has been done.
I found it odd when I read about autodefrag that a SSD got autodefrag enabled(?) or the filesystem at least.
I gonna wait for an update now to see how it pans out. Maybe we found the solution with disabling quotas and autodefrag.
As I said before, this isn’t a massive issue. But would be great to solve. I bet other people might google and stumble upon this thread if we fix it!
Your guess is as good as mine. I read the wiki and got non the wiser.
Ya … i read it too but it isn’t explained in a way that makes any sense to me.
Maybe it’s useful for datacenters? I have no clue mate haha
Okay but why would an average user need to use this?
It depends on what population of users is under “observation”.
The average might vary greatly!
I am below average…
I’m in a group below the group you are in
In my group I am below average
No you’re not!
Thanks Rick!
You are too kind!
If you knew what basic stuff I still ignore
I ignore lots of stuff too.
haha intreresting convo.
I don’t really see any reason to use Quotas if you are using a single user?
Maybe we get Dalto in here, saw him in another thread.
EDIT: Success! I updated now. btrfs-cleaner activated for like 1 sec, and disappeared. No frozen UI. I don’t wanna call it yet, but it seems to do with Quotas in btrfs (and maybe autodefrag?)
EDIT2: It seems Timeshift recommend them?
EDIT3: It seems Timeshift auto-started quotas again… hmm but no slowdown? Was it autodefrag that was the culprit?
Best to use it for a number of days and then see if the problem is gone.