Free and Open-Source extremism is on the rise!

Im not going to shed any tears for nvidia, but I think the motive behind those attacks and their expected outcome is important to look at before making any judgement. From what ive seen, it might actually be harmful for credible open source driver development. The few people it apparently could help are crypto-miners, which might lead to mining becoming more profitable, possibly driving hardware prices and energy waste up.

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If it were harmful for credible open source driver development, you can rest assured NoVidea would have already done it themselves.


So, the open source world needs more “heros?” I do not see how this type of activity helps the open source cause. If anything, it merely diminishes the credibility of the open source community. Reckless intellectual property theft and/or exposure only reinforces a negative stereotype of the open source community as criminal hackers. Being better than the opposition means acting better than the opposition.


There was no theft here. Let’s stop pretending like something was stolen, nothing was stolen: NoVidea still have all their data (and if they don’t, they can download it like anyone else, the torrent is well-seeded :rofl:).

The only thing that happened is that some secrets they wanted to keep from you got released into the open.


It have nothing to do with open-source community at all i think - thread title is just a satire if it’s not obvious :joy:

I believe and do agree that a data breach is a criminal act irregardless how you feel about closed and opensource software. I don’t think we should be cheering this kind of behavior either. I fail to see how it helps open source or the linux communty as a whole. So i really don’t find these kinds of things amusing or humorous. It just puts another strike against Linux as people think linux is just a bunch of hackers. I personally think the open source community needs to dissuade this kind of behaviour as well as promote good open source practices.


Ain’t it kinda funny how corporation hacks back the hackers? :rofl:

I fail to see how it have anything to do with open-source or Linux at all, it’s not Linus Torvalds is doing that…right Linus…? RIGHT??? :rofl:


Yes, it is criminal in some jurisdictions. But just because it is criminal, does not make it immoral. This is no different than WikiLeaks.


Immoral and criminal are two different things. Some things that are immoral are also criminal.


I agree wholeheartedly.

I’d add that some things can be immoral, criminal and funny at the same time - pretty much almost anything related to floridaman :joy:

People are are not Linux users don’t know the difference and it just casts a bad shadow on the Linux opensource community in my opinion. Most hackers are not using Windows to hack.


If Linus Torvalds is behind Lapsus$ I completely change my mind about him. He is the greatest person who ever lived, even though his kernel is crap. :rofl:

Yeah, because windoze sucks. :rofl:

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It is actually very different from WikiLeaks. In that case the secrets being exposed were the activity and behavior of government entities against the very public those entities were charged to protect. In the case of Nvidia and Samsung, those are corporations, that in many cases are legally similar to individuals and deserve to have their right to intellectual property privacy respected until such time as the corporations are caught breaking laws.


They are estopped from appealing to any right to privacy, when they are the largest violators of privacy that ever existed.

Especially Samsung. Suddenly Samsung cares about privacy! :rofl:


Well…If some people have that impression - it’s their problem, it lays in the eyes of the beholder…

For example some notorious austrian war-criminal was also a sh*tty painter, i don’t think a lot of people are stopped to like all painters after that fact, people sometimes seem to be smarter than we give them credit for.

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Not all corporations are violators of everyone’s privacy.


I agree.

The ones we are talking about, however, are.

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This just nonsense! :hole: :man_walking:


Exactly my point :brain: