Favourite Lesser Known Programs

From one of the Arch devs:

Pretend to be busy or waiting for your computer when you should actually be doing real work! → I love it :rofl:

Just ingenious.


That should convince the Pointy Haired Boss. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Which means it’s in [community]. :partying_face:

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Could someone recommend a tool similar to bpytop that maintains the selection on the selected item even when an app overtakes its resource use?

Whenever I attempt to kill an app I’ll select it and as I move to press shift T something overtakes its place on the rankings and I accidentally kill the wrong app because the selection in bpytop remains in the same spot, and moves the applications.

Hope that makes sense.

KDE system monitor does just that. For console applications, it might be tough because it’ll be inconvenient to move the selection with the arrows to a specific application because of it constantly jumping around. So, just sort the list by any static attribute or filter it.

Thanks. This will do!

top will freeze the output when you press k so you can type the PID without things moving around. It also handily pre-selects the PID with the highest CPU usage at that point in time.


Thanks, that’s useful to know.

I’ve just looked into the htop help: it has “cursor follows process” mode which is exactly what you ask for. Just press “F”.


Doesn’t seem to work for me. Works now. Wonder if there is an equivalent in bpytop, as I prefer that layout, but I cannot seem to find documentation on it. Thanks for the help, though.

  • Ability to filter processes, multiple filters can be entered.

So it can do it :smiley:

Press “F”

I had seen the Github page, but there is, as far as I can tell, no documentation. Wiki is empty. ‘Ability to filter processes’ is not the feature I was looking for.

Cursor follows process is not listed in the help section, so presumably it does not exist.

LINGOT (Is Not a Guitar-Only Tuner)


Licenced under GPL v2

It’s in the AUR:


A simply terrific program for tuning musical instruments. Just the right amount of features, no unnecessary nonsense. Does what it’s supposed to do and nothing more (tells you the pitch of sound), and it does it excellently!

The GUI is very good: big, simple, easy to read dial display (vector graphics, so it can be resized). It can display the frequency spectrum (so you can see noise vs. signal). There is also an optional strobe view, which is quite ugly in my opinion (and potentially seizure inducing). I find the dial display just perfect (when the needle is vertical, you’re in tune, couldn’t be simpler). It also displays the exact frequency measured, the pitch name (can be configured), and the error in cents.

It’s very accurate, fast and sensitive. The settings allow you to set noise threshold (so you can use it in a noisy environment, too), sampling interval (trade off accuracy vs. responsiveness), the expected range of the instrument, and some other options (frequency of calculations, etc…). May require some tweaking to get it working, but then it’s extremely reliable. It also allows you to input your own scale (reads .scl format) so its entirely usable for tuning harpsichords in historic temperaments.

Requires a microphone, obviously. I tested it with a really, really crappy microphone that is so noisy that you can barely record voice with it (works fine for this purpose) and a tone generator. The frequency was accurate to about 0.02 Hz from about 50 Hz to about 2000 Hz, which is excellent for this purpose.

I also noticed that some of my sound fonts are slightly out of tune – imperceptible to my ear, but easily detected by this program. :smiley:




Has anyone used this?


Do you know of something “better”?


That looks very interesting, thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, “lesser known” is a double edged sword for messaging apps. It means it’s less likely to have a three letter agency attached to it, but it also means fewer people you actually want/need to talk to using it. It’s just how it goes…


In my opinion, that’s a feature, not a bug. :rofl:


I have just been able to “convert” a few of my friends and family members to switch to a more privacy respecting messaging app on the mobile side of things. On the desktop side, it doesn’t look good so far :slightly_frowning_face:

I just need to find a good one to use on mobile, install it on my mom’s phone and change the icon to whatsapp and all is well. I can just tell her I updated it and they must have changed the layout. :smiley:


I’ve found the vimium-ff plugin for firefox, to make firefox more like qutebrowser.