I personally despise typical Powerpoint style presentations - have to suffer through them work related all the time, so here is …
Sozi is a zooming presentation editor and player. Open source and free (unlike similar Prezi).
Unlike in most presentation applications, a Sozi document is not organised as a slideshow, but rather as a poster (a vector image created with e. g. Inkscape) where the content of your presentation can be freely laid out. Playing such a presentation consists in a series of translations, zooms and rotations that allow to focus on the elements you want to show.
Sozi is not responsible for rendering your document on the screen. This is the job of web browsers. Your presentation will therefore run on- or offline on all systems with a web browser.
See a simple example here.
Some additional resources:
- Some Youtube Tutorials
- 3rd party documentation (German only!)
[Edit] There are some optional but very useful extensions:
- Description: An Inkscape extension for adding audio/video elements
- A script for converting Text objects of a SVG to Path objects
- Description: Converting Sozi presentations to PDF, video or Powerpoint presentations
To install (main application and all of the above), run …
sudo pacman -S inkscape --needed
yay -S sozi sozi-extras_media sozi-tools_texts2paths
sudo pacman -S pdfjam nodejs npm --needed
sudo npm install -g sozi-export --unsafe-perm