Image shows just fine in Kitty. Not sure why Konsole displays a jagged image on my laptop EOS, but displays correctly on my MiniPC. Anyway, since I use my laptop much less than my desktop, I’ll probably just use the default image on the laptop. I really don’t feel like and afternoon of configuring Kitty.
Back on my desktop PC…
A decent amount of tinkering here.
- Changed/added icons.
- Added descriptions.
- Added new image.
I made this for my prompt for Alacritty as I only use kitty to display the fastfetch stuff on here and other sites for the graphic.
top terminal is alacritty
These all look really nice. Recently, I decided to do my own fastfetch
configuration for my laptop.
It is simple and not too complicated. Both the screenshot and configuration file have been edited to keep things “family friendly” here.
Configuration file
"$schema": "",
"general": {
"multithreading": true
"display": {
"separator": "➜ "
"modules": [
"type": "title",
"typeColor": "green",
"format": " {6}{7}{8}"
"type": "custom",
"typeColor": "green",
"format": "\u001b[32m ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────\u001b[0m" // `\u001b` is `\033`, or `\e`
// "break",
"key": " OS ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "custom",
"format": "M--------n' Arch Linux. Because \u001b[3;31mf--k you\u001b[0m."
"key": " Kernel ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "kernel"
"key": " Host ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "host",
"format": "{3}"
"key": " Uptime ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "uptime"
"key": " Packages ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "packages"
"key": " Shell ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "shell"
"key": " Display ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "display"
"key": " DE ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "de"
"key": " WM ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "wm"
"key": " Theme ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "theme"
"key": " Icons ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "icons"
"key": " Terminal ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "terminal"
"key": " CPU ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "cpu"
"key": " GPU ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "gpu"
"key": " Memory ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "memory"
"key": " Swap ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "swap",
"compact": true
"key": " Battery ",
"keyColor": "green",
"type": "battery"
// "break",
"type": "colors",
"paddingLeft": 34,
"symbol": "circle",
"block": {
"width": 10
Hi, i hope this is a quick issue, but the included image for my fastfetch config has not the ideal resolution, i tried increasing the dpi, but to no success.
This is my config so far:
try changing the width and/or height under “logo” section
here's mine
“logo”: {
“type”: “kitty”,
“source”: “path/to/img”,
// “width”: 28,
“height”: 20,
// “padding”: {“top”: 1}
Thank you! Downsized the image a bit, but it does look pretty good now
Would love to see that config. Beautiful
First, welcome to to forum and the EndeavourOS family!
As for the config, here ya go. Of course, your image and image file location will need to be different…
"$schema": "",
"logo": {
"source": "/home/wombat/Pictures/Linux/EndeavourOS/eos3.png",
"type": "auto",
"height": 30,
"width": 40,
"padding": {
"top": 2,
"left": 2,
"modules": [
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[90m┌──────────────── Kamrui MiniPC Specs ───────────────┐"
"type": "host",
"key": " PC",
"keyColor": "green"
"type": "cpu",
"key": "│ ├ CPU",
"showPeCoreCount": true,
"keyColor": "green"
"type": "gpu",
"key": "│ ├ GPU",
"keyColor": "green"
"type": "gpu",
"key": "│ ├ GPU",
"format": "{3}",
"keyColor": "green"
"type": "display",
"key": "│ ├ DISPLAY",
"keyColor": "green"
"type": "sound",
"key": "│ ├ SOUND",
"keyColor": "green"
"type": "memory",
"key": "│ ├ MEMORY",
"keyColor": "green"
"type": "swap",
"key": "│ ├ SWAP",
"keyColor": "green"
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[90m└────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[90m┌──────────────────── SSD Drives ────────────────────┐"
"type": "disk",
"key": "│ ├ DISK",
"keyColor": "green"
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[90m└────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[90m┌─────────────────── Endeavour OS ───────────────────┐"
"type": "os",
"key": " OS",
"keyColor": "yellow"
"type": "title",
"key": "│ ├ USER/HOST",
"format": "{user-name}@{host-name}",
"keyColor": "yellow"
"type": "kernel",
"key": "│ ├ KERNEL",
"keyColor": "yellow"
"type": "packages",
"key": "│ ├ PACKAGES",
"keyColor": "yellow"
"type": "terminal",
"key": "│ ├ TERMINAL",
"keyColor": "yellow"
"type": "terminalfont",
"key": "│ ├ TERMINAL FONT",
"keyColor": "yellow"
"type": "shell",
"key": "└ └ SHELL",
"keyColor": "yellow"
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[90m└────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[90m┌─────────────── Desktop Environment ────────────────┐"
"type": "de",
"key": " DE",
"keyColor": "blue"
"type": "lm",
"key": "│ ├ DISPLAY MANAGER",
"keyColor": "blue"
"type": "wm",
"key": "│ ├ WINDOW MANAGER",
"keyColor": "blue"
"type": "wmtheme",
"key": "│ ├ THEME",
"keyColor": "blue"
"type": "icons",
"key": "│ ├ ICONS",
"keyColor": "blue"
"type": "font",
"key": "│ ├ SYSTEM FONT",
"format": "{3}",
"keyColor": "blue"
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[90m└────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[90m┌─────────────────── Age / Uptime ───────────────────┐"
"type": "command",
"key": " OS Age ",
"keyColor": "magenta",
"text": "birth_install=$(stat -c %W /); current=$(date +%s); time_progression=$((current - birth_install)); days_difference=$((time_progression / 86400)); echo $days_difference days"
"type": "uptime",
"key": " Uptime ",
"keyColor": "magenta"
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[90m└────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
You’re Welcome!
Though you may want to change the “specs” area. "Kamrui MiniPC is the brand name of the PC I’m using. You could either change it just “Specs” or “Thinkpad Specs”.
I did a sec ago Thanks
Can you share the alien?
This looks awesome. I like how it’s sectioned out. Been doing some tinkering with fastfetch and alacritty, but nothing like this. Good stuff
Want to share that config file?