Evolution keeps asking for e-mail password


I followed Evolution keeps asking for keyring password,

I have the loading of GNOME services at startup checked (but the installer didn’t install gnome-keyring package, so there was one more step to do).
When I run seahorse, I can see login keyring and all e-mail passwords stored there.

Yet, the Evolution keeps asking for e-mail passwords…


EDIT: I am using XFCE with the default lightdm and I have to enter login password at session start.

I booted yesterday again and it was working.

To summarize the steps taken:

1.) I installed Evolution and restored data from backup.
2.) It asked for password of each mail account.
3.) I exited Evolution and ran it again.
4.) It asked for all passwords again.
5.) I tried to run Evolution with CAMEL_DEBUG=all but found nothing suspicious.
6.) I googled a bit and enabled “load GNOME services at startup” in XFCE session settings.
7.) I ran Evolution again and was prompted for passwords again.
8.) I searched for GNOME services and found out there isn’t gnome-keyring package installed, so I installed it.
9.) I ran Evolution and it was more and more the same (asking for passwords).
10.) I tried to install some related old library (libgnome-keyring?) but after running Evolution no improvement. I checked PAM config, all looked OK.
11.) I installed seahorse and found out that there IS login keyring with all those passwords stored there.
12.) I gave up and posted the situation to a few forums.
13.) I booted yesterday to find out the Evolution version I was asked about and Evolution did not ask for any password…

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