Error on installation

Back to our regularly scheduled Topic.

Just did an install of the updated RPi 4 image with wireplumber.

Screenshots to follow.

The panel audio icon has a new format:

Click on “Volume Control” and get pauvcontrol

The headphone jack worked when selected with the checked box
The HDMI worked with Digital Stereo
The USB DAC worked with Digital Output (S/PDIF)

The only aggravation is, the audio did not work until I selected the proper “Default Sink”.
The HDMI came up as analog stereo and did not work. Switched it to Digital Stereo and it worked.

One has to tinker with the options at first, but it works out of the box otherwise.

I like the new setup from the panel audio icon.


The panel probably gives this away, but this was on Openbox.
Next, see how this works on Odroid N2