EPSON ET-2750 incompatible?

hello dear @joekamprad

hello dear all - first of all many many thanks for the feed back - this is just awesome.



I have installed EndeavourOS and i have to say i am very happy.

and I discovered that my printer (an EPSON ET-2750) has to be compatible with the Notebook

  • how to check this - how to do this - how to

I only have 8gb of RAM.I have been a linux user for a few years, but never setup a printer (nor with windows).
Thanks in advance

Waht to do ?!?

look forwrd to hear from you

// moved this to new topic //
from here: Epson printer not compatible - #13 by joekamprad


should work on linux…


should be installed and you will need to install and enable cups.
I mean if we talk about the printer is plugged into USB of your Notebook or is it wireless?

sudo pacman -S cups cups-filters cups-pdf system-config-printer --needed
sudo systemctl enable --now cups.socket

yay -S epson-printer-utility epson-inkjet-printer-escpr iscan iscan-data

And now start system-config-printer or the epson printer app from menu and add your printer…

archwiki has a support list for Models and Drivers too:

1 Like

Hi @joekamprad
many thanks for this great advice - we are doing so -

btw : awesome support here - so great!

I was just helping here with another Epson printer so it was already all in my RAM :wink:

1 Like

How much of that RAM do you have installed?!


joe-free -h
                      total         used           free            shared      buff/cache     available
Brain:                31000Gi       3000,9Gi       417000Mi        59000Mi        26000Gi        26000Gi
Spinal-Cord:          9000,8Gi      3000,0Mi       9000,8G

hello dear @joekamprad hello dear @anon11595408

first of all many thanks for the quick reply - now that i sit in front of the notebook - that needs to be connected to the Epson printer i see that it is in fact a ET 2850

besides this - i need to setup the WIFI connection between the Epson ET 2850 and the Thinkpad Notebook thatd runs EndeavourOS
the video-clip here notes that there were several things necessary for the preliminary setup.
note: the notebook
a. does not run Win or MAC
b. has no cd-drive

so i guess that i probably have to download some things - especially for this wifi-setup!? Don ´t i!?

the printer: ET 2850

Epson EcoTank ET-2850 | Wireless Setup Using the Control Panel

or - @joekamprad and @anon11595408 - is it only the mentioned donwloads that you recommended
that are needed to get all things working !?

Well first of all i will start with the donwloads that you recommended - and then i will have a closer look what elese is needet to get the WIFI - things of the ET 2850 up and running

Any further ideas and recommendations !?

the printer is not connected directly with the notebook over wifi… it will be connecting to your wifi router to be shared on your local network.

To connect a network printer you need to enable local hostname resolution and you will need to have avahi-daemon running and indeed the print service cups…
If you do not have selected printing support on installation time you need to ionstall and enable cups and avahi like this:

after it (or not if it is installed and running already…)
install printer/scanner specific packages:

yay -Syu epson-printer-utility epson-inkjet-printer-escpr iscan iscan-data

and setup local hostname resolution:

In case firewall need s to open ports for it to work:
see the part Firewall is blocking mdns: after

1 Like

hello dear @joekamprad

many thanks yes indeed the epson et 2850 is connected via wlan and subsequently via the rooter to be shared on the local network

i hope that this is not tooo complicated here - these steps that i have to do :

To connect a network printer you need to enable local hostname resolution and you will need to have avahi-daemon running and indeed the print service cups…
If you do not have selected printing support on installation time you need to ionstall and enable cups and avahi like this:

i have a closer look on that steps ( ich denke dass die echt notwendig sind - und hoffe dass die halt relativ über schaubar und einfach zu erledigen sind - ehe ich dann die nächsten Schritte mache )

after it (or not if it is installed and running already…)
install printer/scanner specific packages:

and supseqeunty - these steps here:

[quote=“joekamprad, post:9, topic:34208”]
To connect a network printer you need to enable local hostname resolution and you will need to have avahi-daemon running and indeed the print service cups…
If you do not have selected printing support on installation time you need to ionstall and enable cups and avahi like this:

after it (or not if it is installed and running already…)
install printer/scanner specific packages:

to begin witht the beginning - i think i need to start here

i guess that i have to run all (!!!) these steps to install the avasi daemon on the notebook
then i have to enable the hostname resolution … and so on and so forth

hello dear @joekamprad

i did the steps to install avashi - like you mentioned.

see the full procress of installation -

and now i do the steps that you recommended to install the printer - these steps id did not perform yet,

To use cups-pdf, restart cups and visit the cups
web interface at http://localhost:631/

You can now add a "Virtual Printer (PDF Printer)"
and use the Postscript/Generic postscript color
printer driver.

Note that cups-pdf has a configuration
file in /etc/cups. The default location for
pdf output is /var/spool/cups-pdf/$username.
(7/9) Installiert wird python-pycups                               [------------------------------------] 100%
(8/9) Installiert wird python-pycurl                               [------------------------------------] 100%
(9/9) Installiert wird system-config-printer                       [------------------------------------] 100%
Optionale Abhängigkeiten für system-config-printer
    libsecret: password management [Installiert]
    python-pysmbc: SMB browser support
    cups-pk-helper: PolicyKit helper to configure cups with fine-grained privileges
:: Post-transaction-Hooks werden gestartet …
(1/8) Creating system user accounts...
Creating group 'cups' with GID 209.
Creating user 'cups' (cups helper user) with UID 209 and GID 209.
(2/8) Reloading system manager configuration...
(3/8) Reloading device manager configuration...
(4/8) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(5/8) Reloading system bus configuration...
(6/8) Updating icon theme caches...
(7/8) Updating the info directory file...
(8/8) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache...
[heike@tp14 ~]$ 
sudo pacman -S ghostscript gsfonts foomatic-db-engine foomatic-db foomatic-db-ppds foomatic-db-nonfree foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds gutenprint foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds --needed
Warnung: ghostscript-10.0.0-2 ist aktuell -- Ăśberspringe
Abhängigkeiten werden aufgelöst …
Nach in Konflikt stehenden Paketen wird gesucht …

Paket (20)                         Neue Version  Netto-Veränderung  Größe des Downloads

extra/perl-alien-build             2.72-1                 0,76 MiB             0,37 MiB
extra/perl-alien-libxml2           0.19-1                 0,01 MiB             0,01 MiB
extra/perl-capture-tiny            0.48-6                 0,03 MiB             0,02 MiB
extra/perl-dbi                     1.643-4                1,88 MiB             0,69 MiB
extra/perl-ffi-checklib            0.31-2                 0,03 MiB             0,02 MiB
community/perl-file-chdir          0.1011-4               0,01 MiB             0,01 MiB
extra/perl-file-which              1.27-2                 0,02 MiB             0,01 MiB
community/perl-path-tiny           0.142-1                0,14 MiB             0,05 MiB
extra/perl-xml-libxml              2.0208-1               0,68 MiB             0,26 MiB
extra/perl-xml-namespacesupport    1.12-4                 0,02 MiB             0,01 MiB
extra/perl-xml-sax                 1.02-1                 0,10 MiB             0,04 MiB
extra/perl-xml-sax-base            1.09-4                 0,16 MiB             0,02 MiB
extra/foomatic-db                  3:20221004-1           9,50 MiB             0,86 MiB
extra/foomatic-db-engine           4:20220521-1           0,79 MiB             0,20 MiB
extra/foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds  5.3.4-2               88,79 MiB            29,28 MiB
extra/foomatic-db-nonfree          3:20221004-1           0,21 MiB             0,02 MiB
extra/foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds     3:20221004-1           8,33 MiB             0,16 MiB
extra/foomatic-db-ppds             3:20221004-1          81,11 MiB            48,06 MiB
extra/gsfonts                      20200910-2             3,11 MiB             1,61 MiB
extra/gutenprint                   5.3.4-2               31,96 MiB             4,73 MiB

Gesamtgröße des Downloads:              86,42 MiB
Gesamtgröße der installierten Pakete:  227,63 MiB

:: Installation fortsetzen? [J/n] j
:: Pakete werden empfangen …
 foomatic-db-3:20221004-1-any          883,4 KiB   206 KiB/s 00:04 [------------------------------------] 100%
 gsfonts-20200910-2-any               1648,0 KiB   243 KiB/s 00:07 [------------------------------------] 100%
 perl-dbi-1.643-4-x86_64               708,0 KiB   251 KiB/s 00:03 [------------------------------------] 100%
 perl-alien-build-2.72-1-any           375,0 KiB   313 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------] 100%
 perl-xml-libxml-2.0208-1-x86_64       263,6 KiB   273 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------] 100%
 foomatic-db-engine-4:20220521-1-...   209,1 KiB   238 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------] 100%
 foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds-3:20221...   159,7 KiB   264 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------] 100%
 perl-path-tiny-0.142-1-any             46,2 KiB   210 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 perl-xml-sax-1.02-1-any                41,8 KiB   182 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 perl-xml-sax-base-1.09-4-any           23,6 KiB   246 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 perl-capture-tiny-0.48-6-any           17,7 KiB   139 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 foomatic-db-nonfree-3:20221004-1-any   16,3 KiB   122 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 perl-ffi-checklib-0.31-2-any           15,8 KiB   140 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 perl-file-which-1.27-2-any             12,1 KiB   116 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 perl-xml-namespacesupport-1.12-4-any   11,8 KiB   107 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 perl-file-chdir-0.1011-4-any           10,6 KiB   103 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 perl-alien-libxml2-0.19-1-any           9,3 KiB  75,0 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 gutenprint-5.3.4-2-x86_64               4,7 MiB   333 KiB/s 00:15 [------------------------------------] 100%
 foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds-5.3....    29,3 MiB   630 KiB/s 00:48 [------------------------------------] 100%
 foomatic-db-ppds-3:20221004-1-any      48,1 MiB   800 KiB/s 01:02 [------------------------------------] 100%
 Gesamt (20/20)                         86,4 MiB  1437 KiB/s 01:02 [------------------------------------] 100%
(20/20) SchlĂĽssel im SchlĂĽsselbund werden geprĂĽft                  [------------------------------------] 100%
(20/20) Paket-Integrität wird überprüft                            [------------------------------------] 100%
(20/20) Paket-Dateien werden geladen                               [------------------------------------] 100%
(20/20) Auf Dateikonflikte wird geprĂĽft                            [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Paketänderungen werden verarbeitet …
( 1/20) Installiert wird gsfonts                                   [------------------------------------] 100%
( 2/20) Installiert wird perl-capture-tiny                         [------------------------------------] 100%
( 3/20) Installiert wird perl-ffi-checklib                         [------------------------------------] 100%
( 4/20) Installiert wird perl-file-chdir                           [------------------------------------] 100%
( 5/20) Installiert wird perl-file-which                           [------------------------------------] 100%
( 6/20) Installiert wird perl-path-tiny                            [------------------------------------] 100%
( 7/20) Installiert wird perl-alien-build                          [------------------------------------] 100%
( 8/20) Installiert wird perl-alien-libxml2                        [------------------------------------] 100%
( 9/20) Installiert wird perl-xml-sax-base                         [------------------------------------] 100%
(10/20) Installiert wird perl-xml-namespacesupport                 [------------------------------------] 100%
(11/20) Installiert wird perl-xml-sax                              [------------------------------------] 100%
(12/20) Installiert wird perl-xml-libxml                           [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Installing SAX XML Parsers
(13/20) Installiert wird perl-dbi                                  [------------------------------------] 100%
(14/20) Installiert wird foomatic-db-engine                        [------------------------------------] 100%
Optionale Abhängigkeiten für foomatic-db-engine
    foomatic-db: xml files database to create ppd driver files [ausstehend]
(15/20) Installiert wird foomatic-db                               [------------------------------------] 100%
Optionale Abhängigkeiten für foomatic-db
    foomatic-db-ppds: PostScript PPD files [ausstehend]
(16/20) Installiert wird foomatic-db-ppds                          [------------------------------------] 100%
(17/20) Installiert wird foomatic-db-nonfree                       [------------------------------------] 100%
Optionale Abhängigkeiten für foomatic-db-nonfree
    foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds: nonfree PPD files [ausstehend]
(18/20) Installiert wird foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds                  [------------------------------------] 100%
(19/20) Installiert wird gutenprint                                [------------------------------------] 100%
>>please run /usr/bin/cups-genppdupdate
>>and restart cups daemon
Optionale Abhängigkeiten für gutenprint
    gimp: adds gutenprint plugin to gimp
    libusb: required for drivers that depend on gutenprint52usb backend [Installiert]
    foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds: prebuilt ppd files [ausstehend]
    perl: to run cups-genppdupdate [Installiert]
(20/20) Installiert wird foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds               [------------------------------------] 100%
Optionale Abhängigkeiten für foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds
    cups: to use cups printer spooler(recommended) [Installiert]
:: Post-transaction-Hooks werden gestartet …
(1/4) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/4) Updating fontconfig configuration...
(3/4) Warn about old perl modules
(4/4) Updating fontconfig cache...
[heike@tp14 ~]$ sudo pacman -S print-manager --needed
Warnung: print-manager-22.08.3-1 ist aktuell -- Ăśberspringe
 Es gibt nichts zu tun
[heike@tp14 ~]$ sudo systemctl enable --now cups.socket
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.socket.
[heike@tp14 ~]$ sudo systemctl enable --now cups.socket
[heike@tp14 ~]$ sudo systemctl enable --now cups.service
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.service.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.service.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.path.
[heike@tp14 ~]$ systemctl status avahi-daemon
â—Ź avahi-daemon.service - Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/avahi-daemon.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-11-23 12:01:41 CET; 2 days ago
TriggeredBy: â—Ź avahi-daemon.socket
   Main PID: 386 (avahi-daemon)
     Status: "avahi-daemon 0.8 starting up."
      Tasks: 2 (limit: 17756)
     Memory: 1.5M
        CPU: 78ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/avahi-daemon.service
             ├─386 "avahi-daemon: running [tp14.local]"
             └─390 "avahi-daemon: chroot helper"

Nov 23 23:47:18 tp14 avahi-daemon[386]: Registering new address record for on wlan0.IPv4.
Nov 23 23:47:18 tp14 avahi-daemon[386]: Withdrawing address record for on wlan0.
Nov 23 23:47:18 tp14 avahi-daemon[386]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface wlan0.IPv4 with address 192>
Nov 23 23:47:18 tp14 avahi-daemon[386]: Interface wlan0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Nov 26 10:29:10 tp14 avahi-daemon[386]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface wlan0.IPv6 with address fe8>
Nov 26 10:29:10 tp14 avahi-daemon[386]: New relevant interface wlan0.IPv6 for mDNS.
Nov 26 10:29:10 tp14 avahi-daemon[386]: Registering new address record for fe80::5641:2925:935d:94cf on wlan0>
Nov 26 10:29:10 tp14 avahi-daemon[386]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface wlan0.IPv4 with address 192>
Nov 26 10:29:10 tp14 avahi-daemon[386]: New relevant interface wlan0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Nov 26 10:29:10 tp14 avahi-daemon[386]: Registering new address record for on wlan0.IPv4.

[heike@tp14 ~]$ ^C
[heike@tp14 ~]$

i did the steps to install avashi - like you mentioned.

see the full procress of installation -

and now i do the steps that you recommended to install the printer - these steps id did not perform yet,

i come back and report all

do not forget to adjust firewall…

hello dear @joekamprad

after taking care for the cups and the avashi setup - i have had a closer look at process you described in the beginning of the thread - above at the top.
note: the first two lines you recommended i skipped: – in other words - i did not perform these steps now - i guess that i allready did these: (steps):

sudo pacman -S cups cups-filters cups-pdf system-config-printer --needed
sudo systemctl enable --now cups.socket

but i runned this line below:

yay -S epson-printer-utility epson-inkjet-printer-escpr iscan iscan-data

…And now start system-config-printer or the epson printer app from menu and add your printer…

archwiki has a support list for Models and Drivers too:

see what comes out - what comes back:

[heike@tp14 ~]$ ^C
[heike@tp14 ~]$ yay -S epson-printer-utility epson-inkjet-printer-escpr iscan iscan-data

:: Prüfe auf mögliche Konflikte...
:: Prüfe auf mögliche interne Konflikte...
[Repo Make:32]  libmng-2.0.3-3  postgresql-libs-14.6-1  liburing-2.3-1  mariadb-libs-10.9.4-2  unixodbc-2.3.11-1  gtk2-2.24.33-2  libfbclient-  ld-lsb-3-8  libyuv-r2322+3aebf69d-1  libavif-0.11.1-1  libheif-1.14.0-1  gd-2.3.3-5  libgphoto2-2.5.30-1  libieee1284-0.2.11-13  net-snmp-5.9.1-5  sane-1.1.1-1  babl-0.1.98-1  lensfun-1:0.3.3-1  libgexiv2-0.14.0-3  libspiro-1:20221101-1  luajit-2.1.0.beta3.r455.g46aa45dc-1  blas-3.11.0-1  lapack-3.11.0-1  suitesparse-6.0.1-1  gegl-0.4.40-1  libmypaint-1.6.1-1  libwmf-0.2.12-2  mypaint-brushes1-1.3.1-1  netpbm-10.73.37-2  gts-  graphviz-7.0.2-1  gimp-2.10.32-2
[Aur:5]  qt4-4.8.7-35  epson-printer-utility-1.1.1-18  epson-inkjet-printer-escpr-1.7.22-1  iscan-  iscan-data-
[Aur Make:1]  libstdc++5-3.3.6-9

:: Abhängigkeiten nach der Installation entfernen? [J/N] j
:: (1/6) PKGBUILD heruntergeladen: iscan
:: (2/6) PKGBUILD heruntergeladen: libstdc++5
:: (3/6) PKGBUILD heruntergeladen: iscan-data
:: (4/6) PKGBUILD heruntergeladen: epson-printer-utility
:: (5/6) PKGBUILD heruntergeladen: epson-inkjet-printer-escpr
:: (6/6) PKGBUILD heruntergeladen: qt4
  6 qt4                              (Build-Dateien sind vorhanden)
  5 epson-printer-utility            (Build-Dateien sind vorhanden)
  4 epson-inkjet-printer-escpr       (Build-Dateien sind vorhanden)
  3 libstdc++5                       (Build-Dateien sind vorhanden)
  2 iscan                            (Build-Dateien sind vorhanden)
  1 iscan-data                       (Build-Dateien sind vorhanden)
==> Diffs zeigen?
==> [N] Keine [A]lle [Ab]brechen [I]nstalliert [No]nicht installiert oder (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)

you are short before getting certification for Advanced Linux Desktop Handling

N für NEIN ! diffs are showing changes onnthe build instruction files from last update compared to the current… you do not need this… hitting enter would ignore it the same :wink:

1 Like

hi many thanks for this in depth going course on setting up a printer in WLAN :grinning:

as usual i am a bit unfamiliar witrh these things
N - Keine
A Alle
Ab Abbrechen and so forth

what to choose here - should i take N wie NEIN !?

:wink: - okay i am hitting Enter right now

1 Like

hello dear @joekamprad

many thanks for the nice feedback - just awesome.

after the last steps i noiticed some weired things . ´on the terminal

this runs and runs and runs.

the question is: how to test the actual stage how to test the options!?
what is needed at this stage -

what can i do -
do i allready have the Daemon up and (active) running. !?!

if so - then i can continue with the next steps

:: (6/6) PKGBUILD heruntergeladen: qt4


no clue what is calling this in… lets check

its epson-printer-utility … may you simply do not install this one and try the system-config-printer gui…

building legacy qt4 from source is nothing i would like to use…

1 Like

helo dear @joekamprad

thank you for the reply - and for the correction. so i have a closer look for the system-config-printer gui

i guess that all is set up now

on this page i can choose - or search printers - i guess that first i have to set the printer so that the (new ) Printer hast to be set to the local network - so that the printer can be recognized via rooter