Eos-update-notifier not working

Here’s mine:

### eos-update-notifier configuration file

## Check also updates from AUR:
CheckAurUpdates=yes          # yes or no

## Check also Arch news for you:
CheckArchNewsForYou=yes      # yes or no

## Alternative programs for showing the Arch news. Select one.
## Note: 'arch-news-for-you' uses an ad hoc way to determine if the news are
##       relevant to your machine. This mostly works well, but not always.
##       The 'eos-arch-news' shows news based on the date and shows only news
##       that are not yet shown.
## This option was added in eos-update-notifier version 0.9-1.
ArchNewsProg=eos-arch-news    # values: 'eos-arch-news' or 'arch-news-for-you'

## Prefer tray notification or small window for nofitying about updates?
## NOTE: if clicking the tray notification icon launches also the next panel item,
## a workaround is either to
##  - re-organize panel's notification area icons so that 'Yad' is not the first (uppermost), or
##  - add an empty launcher right next to the tray notification icon.
ShowHowAboutUpdates=notify     # value: 'notify', 'notify+tray', 'tray', or 'window'

## What info to show about pending updates ("number of updates" or "package names");
## applies only when 'ShowHowAboutUpdates' is set to 'window':
ShowWhatAboutUpdates=number  # values: 'number' or 'packages'

I was apparently missing appmenu-gtk-module, so I installed that as well.

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Does update notification work better if you set


in the configuration file?



I applied your settings, then opened with -conf, saved and it ran again, got this window within a few seconds:

And clicking update opened a terminal to complete the update.


Thanks for the follow up! :smile:


As you wrote, the pamac update notifier indicates the available package updates up to a minute earlier than the eos-update-notifier, so there is no particular problem.

In the meantime, normal operation is restored, and a window indicating the available updates will appear a few seconds after the network connection is established. Probably it was a temporary issue, thank you for your patience. :slight_smile:

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By the way, I studied the configuration files in connection with the case. It is a very customizable application. Seriously, I haven’t seen a special tool like this in any of the distributions I’ve used. @manuel, you’re doing a good job, congratulations. :slight_smile:

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