Eos-update-notifier not working

uuuhi but a bit dangerous it is this command :vulcan_salute:

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When I am running eos-update-notifier from command line it doesnā€™t show any updates, even though I have them. It just stops at ā€œChecking for updatesā€¦ā€


eos-update-notifier first, and then yay -Qua && checkupdates


My /etc/eos-update-notifier.conf (with the comments omitted):


Thanks for the report!
Iā€™ll check whatā€™s going on.

EDIT: Here it works, it shows a small notification window, although admittedly it should show the notification longer than 15 sec.

I havenā€™t used it much before, so wasnā€™t sure what to expect, but I see no window eitherā€¦

edit: Iā€™ll try to install xfce or mate and check whether is works in a DE.

edit2: It does work in mate


The problem then is that I donā€™t have any notification daemon in i3. I was expecting a terminal output to be honest, but if itā€™s not what was supposed to happen the problem is solved then :slight_smile:

My configuration is:


Donā€™t know if you like those settings, but you might want to try and see.

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Great, that works wonderfully! Thanks, Iā€™ll leave it this way then :smiley:

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A few seconds after the connection established pop-up window appears, the updates pop-up window usually appears, if they are available. It has disappeared since yesterday and only pamac updates pop up. (Xfce)

Can you check if the eos-update-notifier timer is running?

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I checked, the timer is running, of course. So far, a few seconds after connecting to the wired network, an update window has appeared. And now itā€™s at least half a minute late. It also happened that the pop-up window indicating the update did not appear.

Could you show the configuration file?

Iā€™ll be able to show you later, though I havenā€™t changed anything in it. What I saw is that by default the interval is two hours.

There have been changes that might have caused something. And I need to reproduce the issue hereā€¦ :sweat_smile:

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Itā€™s not so annoying because the update window usually appears. The EOS Update Notifier Wiki describes that there is a delay of 30 seconds after startup by default and the minute offset is a random value. According to them, I have always been lucky so far to have seen the pop-up window a few seconds late.

journalctl --since "5 minutes ago" | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io

5 minutes after login would show some output on the notifier

Maybe the wiki needs a clarification. Note that those numbers are not exact at systemd.
Also, eos-update-notifier may have to wait for the internet connection to exist.

In addition, it might be wise in some cases to wait before updating, because an update may break somethingā€¦ :sweat_smile:

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The eos-update-notifier always waited for the internet connection to be established, then the pop-up window was visible almost immediately. Now it takes a few tens of seconds to appear. I could compare this to when it takes almost ten seconds for a GSM call to establish a connection, compared to just a few seconds for a VOLTE call.

There were only two package breaks, if any, in one year. When many people wrote about it, I didnā€™t update the packages right away either. :slight_smile: I would note in parentheses that in one year, there were more package breaks on Manjaro Linux than on EOS. This is not going to be a critique of Manjaro, just a statement of fact on my part. This also proves the stability of the EOS.

If you have file ~/.config/autostart/eos-update-notifier.desktop, could you show its contents?

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I can show the contents of this file or the contents of the conf file if I am on the machine in question. Otherwise, the pamac update notifier and the eos update notifier may affect each other. For example, on my EOS test system on an external drive, the pamac update notifier window pops up earlier than the eos update notifier window.

According to the wiki article, a terminal should open. I get the notification on plasma, but nothing happens afterwards.

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I need to see the configuration file in order to reproduce the issue here.

How much sooner? A delay of even a few minutes does not usually cause any real issue.

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