EndeavourOS made it in the Distrowatch database




That’s probably what made it. It hit top ten for the week, and that’s probably a qualifier in itself.

That’s what I’m asking myself!

I don’t know what you mean. It’s just a trending, as you can see, no real hits; when you switch to the ‘last 7 days’ , you will not find EOS at all…
Again, this is not something very important, but in the future it would be nice to see Endeavour in the actual, REAL top 15.

EndeavourOS is now on the list https://distrowatch.com/index.php?dataspan=1 for the first time ever.

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I think there is a good chance of seeing that, I noticed today that EndeavourOS is sitting at number 52 on the “last 7 days” list. :ok_hand:

I also just heard EndeavourOS mentioned on the DistroWatch Weekly podcast!

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Yeah… As formerly Antergos!

And a 10 out of 10 from me.

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