I had this for HALF a friggin day about 2 weeks ago. Did a new install with Cinnamon. It’s a common problem there are recent threads…
,…here’s how I beat it and salvaged hours of headaches:
use the desktop greeter and update -
-then press 1) endeavour mirrors, 2) arch mirrors, and 3) reflector buttons over and over and over and you will notice an eventual speed-up. let them run the command before pushing the next one. Those 3, over and over worked for me.
I can’t tell from this if you did what I did to beat it.
so you are saying you pressed these three buttons continuously during your installation?
and it still wouldn’t install?
worked for me. [unless my successful install after HOURS of “2024-08-08 - 20:30:36 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background…” was a big psych-out and something else was going on where it finally installed… it’s linux; I’ve seen weirder.]
my gut instinct (not always right) was that I could find current threads about this (my) problem…so it’s real and current…and I thought…mmm…maybe a bunch of dead mirrors and reflectors were built into the .iso…so update before install might be worthless…I thought maybe how about update continuously? so I did and it worked.
you did not do this.
and I don’t blame you.
my pea brain works like this:
fail to install, hung on that stupid line, many new installers in forum have been hung on that stupid line, terminate install it’s been a long time, failure.
fail to install, hung on that stupid line, many new installers in forum have been hung on that stupid line, terminate install it’s been a long time, failure.
fail to install, hung on that stupid line, many new installers in forum have been hung on that stupid line, terminate install it’s been a long time, failure.
fail to install, hung on that stupid line, many new installers in forum have been hung on that stupid line, terminate install it’s been a long time, failure.
5 hours pass.
do something different. It worked
maybe what happened to me was a placebo/red herring and my actions were inconsequential since Endeavour committed to installing that time for whatever reason. who knows?
I looked and saw a lot of us mirrors are giving really poor speeds and mirrors in canada and other places are giving better speeds
I might try to change mirrors
(either with http or https) in file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist then better remove it since it seems to be permanently offline.
EDIT: interesting, tested install and it is extremely slow. Looks like mirror moson.org is currently exceptionally slow. So better comment it out for now.
My variant was to wait for the install to hang at around 10 minutes then update the servers using reflector and selecting only UK. The install then hung again at 13 min so I updated the endeavour servers at that point. (I’d also changed my locale during the install to UK but I doubt that made a difference).
edit. Just did another install. Waited for the “2024-08-08 - 20:23:35 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background…” stage and then used reflector to change to a country other than the US. UK and Canada both worked. Still took a minute and another Debug (Qt) before it kicked in and the install proceeded as usual.
I was able to get it to install but they need to do something about those mirrors, or something. I think after trying to install 10 or 12 times I was finally able to get it to work but I was doing all kinds if crazy stuff.
This a much calmer variation than my frantic one. Congrats to you. 13 was my lucky number as well.
congrats to you as well. you should probably post your “crazy stuff” as it might help the next guy/girl.
there’s an identical “13%” thread that exists that I consulted during my hangups .but no luck.
It’s definitely a mirror thing. If I had to guess we are all the installing minority so no one-size-fits-all when it comes to connections I suppose. Well worth it to have Endeavour back though. But most of a day was shot. It’s going to happen in digital life.
I tried the mirror-update-spamm for half an hour. No success.
I went of the PC for 2 hours then and coming back the install is done successfully.
Still there is something very wrong. When I installed Endeavour-OS several times like 6 month ago a full install would not even take 10min on the same hardware.
After reading this thread I downloaded the latest ISO and tried to do a fresh install. After stalling at 13% for more than 15 min, I killed it. Usually from start to finish an install takes me about 10 min.
I always use the live install with no Desktop. It seems there is a problem.
Usually it takes me less than 4 minutes but i see a problem right now also. Just trying an install on vm and it’s just not getting the initial packages to start installing.
Edit: Seems to be hanging right from the start.
2024-08-10 - 11:12:12 [6]: .. Running QList("udevadm", "settle")
2024-08-10 - 11:12:12 [6]: .. Running QList("sync")
2024-08-10 - 11:12:12 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
2024-08-10 - 11:12:12 [6]: Starting job "Initialize pacman ... ranking mirrors ... copy pacman mirrorlist and keyring to target ..." ( 8 / 39 )
2024-08-10 - 11:12:12 [6]: .. Running QList("/bin/sh", "-c", "bash /etc/calamares/scripts/update-mirrorlist")
2024-08-10 - 11:12:13 [6]: .. Running QList("/bin/sh", "-c", "eos-rankmirrors")
2024-08-10 - 11:12:39 [6]: .. Running QList("/bin/sh", "-c", "pacman -Sy --noconfirm archlinux-keyring endeavouros-keyring")
2024-08-10 - 11:13:09 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:14:09 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:15:09 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:16:09 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:17:09 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
It’s been 6 minutes and now it’s starting to install the base system and it’s at 13% so i wait more but i’m not waiting 3 hours!
Edit: It’s got as far as fetching the packages and just hanging now again.
2024-08-10 - 11:23:44 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: "pacstrap: Total Download Size: 659.76 MiB"
2024-08-10 - 11:23:44 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: "pacstrap: Total Installed Size: 1601.75 MiB"
2024-08-10 - 11:23:44 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: "pacstrap: :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]"
2024-08-10 - 11:23:44 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: "pacstrap: :: Retrieving packages..."
2024-08-10 - 11:24:09 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:25:08 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:26:08 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:27:09 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:28:08 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:29:09 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:30:09 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:31:08 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:32:08 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...
2024-08-10 - 11:33:09 [6]: DEBUG (Qt): Process is running in the background...