Endeavour OS ISO download?

Memory, hmm, and who are you again? In fact who am I and what is this keyboard in front of me? I am so confused! :rofl:


Yeah, I notice swap occassionally being used on my system, too, and I have plenty of RAM. It’s just very rare and given how much reading and writing is done on my SSD otherwise, swap is a negligible fraction.

Even with a catastrophic memory leak, the worst that can happen is that my swap file gets filled and everything crashes. That won’t do significant damage to my SSD.

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LOL! Why do I feel like I am playing a game of cards here, what should I swap ya know! LOL! Kidding.

Okay, I’m using a SSD as my main drive. Should I set the swap to 10? Not going to ask what the benefits are, because coming from Windows I do know that Windows OS’s their software sometimes ask for swap based on the programers program, woudl I be correct in thinking that Linux software is somewhat the same, where as sometimes that software might also ask to use swap regardless of how much ram you have.

OH, I shoudl have mentioned I have 16GB’s of ram. I have read on my Samsung SSD that swap doesn’t hurt it, It’s an EVO 860. But I don’t know. That’s why I am asking.

If you don’t have a swap file or a swap partition, there is no point, your swappiness is effectively 0 anyway, because there is nowhere to swap.

If you make a swap file, then yes, consider lowering vm.swappiness.



Deepin ™


Yeah it’s the read/write thing. I wish I could get to the bottom of this. Somewhere there is a bottleneck holding back system performance. So far I haven’t found a solution.

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Oh yeah, this program needed testing, after all:

Do not run this unless you really want to reboot...
 * leak.cpp                                                                  *
 *                                                                           *
 * This program creates a nasty memory leak that is likely to crash any Linux*
 * computer. Comes with NO WARRANTY. Use at your own risk.                   *
 *                                                                           *
 * To compile, run:                                                          *
 * g++ leak.cpp                                                              *
int main() {
  while (true) {
    long double* p = new long double[1000];

BTW, this is my fork of Deepin, with all the bloat removed.


On a more serious note, I have been converting all my systems to zram. I resisted for a long time but I can’t deny how well it works. Especially on systems with limited ram.


Puppy Linux, USB stick. Do I need to expand on this? I would rather have a working desktop rather than just loading into RAM, although that’s what we do anyway. Chuffing computers!

So I should convert my swap to ZRAM? :rofl:

I’m kidding. I think I got it setup right, NO SWAP! No need, everything great, so it’s time to make another image backup.

I really like this Endeavour OS, I am using the stock OFFLINE and adding some of my own tweaks with the visuals and appearence and such things, but I’m really impressed at how great it works. I’m using the XFCE4, and I’ve tried the Cinnamon and KDE but this stock XFCE4 is freaking great where performance goes on my PC anyway, and for appearence like I said I made that look how I wanted it.


I am extremely grateful that they did not! Because I like the fact that I can decide what I want on my system where package managers go.

For one thing, I can’t stand the Discover package manager on some KDE OS’s, and I while I will catch flack for saying this, I really can’t stand the Dolphin file explorer, it really sucks when you need to do root actions.

Anyway, Thanks everyone, consider this issue resolved. I’m going to set my swap to 10 and be done with it.
Thanks again.

I’ve used online & offline. They both work great. Hats off to the team! :grin:

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Your right, they do work great, I should have clarified what I was saying better. They WORK AWESOME!

What I meant to say was I was not happy with all of them and the offline stock XFCE4 built with Endeavour settings at least for me works great.

You’ll be happy to know that online install of KDE from EndeavourOS image comes without Discover preinstalled. So if you ever decide to try KDE (which I wholeheartedly recommend, it uses less memory than even XFCE), you won’t have to bother uninstalling it :slight_smile:

I don’t really use a file manager that often, so I’m quite indifferent to Dolphin, but you should get used to doing root actions from the terminal. There is rarely a need to use the GUI for file management outside your home directory. A nice thing about Dolphin is that it has Konsole integrated in it.

Hopefully the KDE folk will at some point realise that Discover is a crap idea. I get what they are trying to do but it’s a bad implementation.

Discover is good in general, but it’s not designed for an Arch-based system. I hear it is great on KDE Neon. I don’t use that, though. Too… snappy.


I think discover is fine on non-Arch distros.


I get snappy but that involves me not getting a cup of tea first thing in the morning! :crazy_face:

Sorry if this is off-topic, though related to memory usage.
Does anyone use any OOM handler?

I’ve got

systemctl status systemd-oomd.service 
○ systemd-oomd.service - Userspace Out-Of-Memory (OOM) Killer
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-oomd.service; disabled; vendor preset: d>
     Active: inactive (dead)
       Docs: man:systemd-oomd.service(8)

Should I enable this?

I don’t need it I have 32 GB memory and KDE uses less than 1GB usually.

[ricklinux@eos-kde ~]$ systemctl status systemd-oomd.service 
○ systemd-oomd.service - Userspace Out-Of-Memory (OOM) Killer
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-oomd.service; disabled>
     Active: inactive (dead)
       Docs: man:systemd-oomd.service(8)
[ricklinux@eos-kde ~]$ 


[ricklinux@eos-kde ~]$ free
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:        32793804     1577304    29916008       38084     1300492    30766768
Swap:         524284           0      524284
[ricklinux@eos-kde ~]$ 
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I have it enabled. I would rather have applications killed than my system crash/freeze.

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