Endeavour + Arch install

@dalto Well I don’t know why but every guide and YouTube video I have watched about Arch+btrfs is telling people to make these @ subvolumes.
The wiki doesn’t but all it says you could make one called subvol_root. but this is also wrong because according to everywhere else btrfs only recognises subvolumes starting with @ beause of Ubuntu if i remember right.

so for a newbie like myself I am getting a lot of misinformation

Thanks for clearing that up…and now I realise I could never have remembered that as it now occurs to me that might be something btrfs-specific, and I’ve never played with non-ext filesystems on Linux before.

I should stay off the 'net at three in the morning…

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Your first lesson is that roughly 75% of the linux information available on youtube videos and random sites is wrong. :wink:

Don’t confuse the subvolumes you create with what you name them. You can create subvolumes called root and home or you can call them @ and @home. Those are just names.

While the @ naming convention did originate with Ubuntu, at this point most people use it because timeshift will only take snapshots of subvols named @ and @home.


Well its not like I will ever use Timeshift or anything, I find it more fun just reinstalling Arch or endeavour since all I have are games which are on a separate SSD

when it comes to creating and naming them this is all guides and people end up saying/doing

“We create subvolumes to better organize our data and to exclude them from btrfs snapshots”

btrfs su cr /mnt/@
btrfs su cr /mnt/@home
btrfs su cr /mnt/@var
btrfs su cr /mnt/@opt
btrfs su cr /mnt/@tmp
btrfs su cr /mnt/@.snapshots
umount /mnt

Obviously this is not needed and I can skip it anyway but god so much wrong info all over the place 0-o
Glad I asked here since this has the best community for Arch in general.

Hahaha…what is the point of naming something @.snapshots? Also, what would even use it? Neither timeshift or snapper would use it.

Why would you want to exclude /opt from your snapshots? Software is installed there.

/tmp is usually a tmpfs so why would you need a subvolume for it…

I am not sure where you found that “guide”, but if it really is for Arch-based distros, you probably shouldn’t read anything else from there.

Yea I have no idea why they keep doing this, of course not all make so many @ subvolumes. Even EF Linux made simple and other channels which are all about linux are making @ subvolumes when they do a Arch + btrfs install.

But I guess its to be expected when even the Arch wiki didn’t have the answer to my boot problem… still no idea why nvidia-dkms fixed the issue.
I mean since its never mentioned outside of endeavour forums yet seams to be a big issue for nvidia users.

I just installed EndeavourOS again 3 minutes to install. Why would i ever want to install Arch any other way! :laughing:

[ricklinux@eos-kde ~]$ sudo btrfs subvolume list /
[sudo] password for ricklinux:
ID 256 gen 96 top level 5 path @
ID 257 gen 97 top level 5 path @home
ID 258 gen 83 top level 5 path @cache
ID 259 gen 97 top level 5 path @log
ID 260 gen 29 top level 5 path @swap
ID 263 gen 27 top level 256 path var/lib/portables
ID 264 gen 28 top level 256 path var/lib/machines
[ricklinux@eos-kde ~]$


lol because its fun to install Arch the old way ? XD

Also is endeavour ever going to update its install to use pacman 6 ? Some reason I can’t install Paru unless I update it myself, Arch uses pacman 6 :confused:

It does…use pacman 6.0 BTW we use yay around here. :wink:


[ricklinux@eos-kde ~]$ pacman -Qi pacman
Name            : pacman
Version         : 6.0.0-5
Description     : A library-based package manager with dependency support
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             : https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/
Licenses        : GPL
Groups          : base-devel
Provides        : libalpm.so=13-64
Depends On      : bash  glibc  libarchive  curl  gpgme  pacman-mirrorlist  archlinux-keyring
Optional Deps   : perl-locale-gettext: translation support in makepkg-template
Required By     : appstream-glib  base  libpamac  pacman-contrib  yay
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 4.61 MiB
Packager        : Christian Hesse <arch@eworm.de>
Build Date      : Thu 15 Jul 2021 03:26:40 PM
Install Date    : Tue 17 Aug 2021 08:51:42 PM
Install Reason  : Installed as a dependency for another package
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signature

Has the ISO been updated or something because whenever I install endeavour online installer… I am on pacman 5
from what I remember yay isn’t getting new feature updates though since the main maintainer left to create paru which is just yay XD

It should be installing the latest pacman. All the packages are downloaded and installed when using the online installer. :thinking:

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The nvidia-dkms drivers fixed the issue because it automatically rebuilds the modules when installed or kernel updates. Your nvidia driver most likely would have worked if you had run mkinitcpio -p again possibly. That is one of the reasons why the dkms version is better to use as it is less problematic and on EndeavourOS we use the nvidia-installer-dkms and have a wiki section to create additional enhancements to alleviate some of the driver issues with nvidia when updating.

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@fbodymechanic Took a while to read lol but from what I understand of the page it only says to install dkms for nvidia cards that are from 2010-2011 or older, but the 2080ti came out in 2018.

Other reason is if I am using a custom kernel but I’m not using a custom one. so I probably read this before but ignored it XD

@ricklinux It is probably my own fault but a lot of “solutions” on wikis are overly convoluted.
Would be nice to have a simple troubleshoot page.
If you have X problem try Y solution and so on until problem is resolves… if not then ask forum XD
I mean It was just one package… one package that decided if my install worked or not.

It was a package that corrected the driver installation because nvidia has issues installing and setting up correctly. That is why i said we use the nvidia-installer-dkms because it’s less problematic and we also have a specific guide for additional enhancements that do work. If you install it properly and set it up this way. There aren’t too many issues. Having said that. Hybrid graphics are a different story. Some are more difficult than others.

Which kernel are you using?

Here is the package list used by calamares

It has sections for “Base-devel + Common packages” and every Desktop + i3 plus printer goodies, etc.


So i did this EndeavourOS KDE install with Btrfs around 3 minutes.
I have set it up with snapper after many attempts before at understanding what i was doing with a lot of instruction, trial and error and perseverance. I still don’t understand much in the grand scheme of things. Now i have to get instructions on how to use it to my advantage. But it’s installed and working. As far as i know this is just snapshots of the root subvolume I’m guessing. Like i say i’m not talented one! :rofl:

[ricklinux@eos-kde ~]$ snapper -c root list                                                                  
# | Type   | Pre # | Date                        | User      | Cleanup  | Description    | Userdata
0  | single |       |                             | root      |          | current        |
1  | single |       | Tue 17 Aug 2021 11:11:49 PM | ricklinux | timeline | AfterInstall   |
4  | single |       | Tue 17 Aug 2021 11:35:22 PM | ricklinux | timeline | InstallApps    |
5  | single |       | Wed 18 Aug 2021 12:00:44 AM | root      | timeline | timeline       |
6  | single |       | Wed 18 Aug 2021 12:07:21 AM | ricklinux | timeline | PostAppInstall |
[ricklinux@eos-kde ~]$

I also have the snapper GUI working on KDE


[ricklinux@eos-kde ~]$ sudo btrfs subvolume list /
[sudo] password for ricklinux:
ID 256 gen 96 top level 5 path @
ID 257 gen 97 top level 5 path @home
ID 258 gen 83 top level 5 path @cache
ID 259 gen 97 top level 5 path @log
ID 260 gen 29 top level 5 path @swap
ID 263 gen 27 top level 256 path var/lib/portables
ID 264 gen 28 top level 256 path var/lib/machines
[ricklinux@eos-kde ~]$

So i have the snapshots in my grub boot menu and i guess they are read only? Like i say i don’t have a complete understanding how to use it when needed. But hopefully i can learn. :thinking:


@ricklinux That is odd because when I check my Enbeavour os with sudo btrfs subvolume list
I just get this
btrfs subvolume list: exactly 1 argument expected, 0 given.