I would like to know if EOS comes with something similar to Neofetch or if I should install it.
If I have to install it, do you recommend Neofetch, or another similar program? Because I don’t know if there are many differences between these programs.
I know Neofetch, but I saw one called Fastfetch, and another that didn’t use ascii fonts, so I guess there are many of these programs, but I don’t know which one is the “best” or the “standard.”
“Best” is completely subjective. What is best to me, may not be for you, or others. As for “standard”, seems the standards (most used) were Neofetch and Screenfetch. Personally, I prefer Fastfetch.
Thank you all very much, friends! Those links were very helpful.
Some of them look really good, but for convenience I have chosen “inxi -F”, since it is the only one that comes preinstalled with EOS and you also get more system information than with for example Neofetch (or so I think).