Do you love Linux, if so why?

expected from anything really related to tech honestly

Oh yeah … and most of the time it happens because of the one using the mouse :stuck_out_tongue: .

Because it is a truly free alternative to Windows and MacOS.

Yes, having full control of your operating system and what’s on top also counts, obviously.

This, however, requires greater awareness and competence of the medium being used, for better or for worse, on the part of the user.

Linux and BSD systems have immense power and freedom. You can manipulate and set them up as you wish and make them true power systems. They embrace package management, which is the correct way of software distribution, especially system software, administration tools and development environments. These systems are also very modular, you can remove and replace components you don’t want. System administration and software development and its environments is a trillion times better than on proprietary systems too. And of course you have true actual privacy and much better security. Nothing is enforced on you either (except Ubuntu and snaps lol).

OSes of the Linux and BSD families are very low on resource usage regardless of setup (but can always be better if you use lighter software) and are truly eco-friendly, as you can keep a 12 year old system alive with them. On the Windows world, a computer is considered obsolete after 5 years of use, and on the Mac world, deprecation must be Apple’s favorite word.

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