Distrowatch top 2

I don’t think so & yes i don’t like you anymore. :rofl:

Edit: We’re still friends though right? lol

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Garuda and :enos: have different goals. I don’t have hardware that can run Garuda properly. But I like the stuff they do. It’s cool.

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You wanna be Kool just join the Kde kids on EOS. :laughing:

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I believe EndeavourOS will deliver better output, as heart :heart: of this distribution is beating and alive, hence stamina will be more.
Here, we do not get KDE Dragonized, but we get KDE Optimized.
KDE Plasma is already very kool, kalm and komposed. With time it should get even better irrespective of distributions, so the “kool” part which you are finding now will become the old, which will be avoided by many users.
For “new”, I believe, on many occasions, the original is the best.

If I will be wrong, then also I will use EndeavourOS, as this is my first distribution, hence in no way I can forget this and leave this.

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Spin up some different VM distross, and you will soon know why you like :enos: so much.