Discover store pinned to panel, but not installed

Hi, recently installed Endeavour os with KDE Plasma and discover store and packages related to it are missing.
I had to install 2 packages:
“discover” itself and “packagekit-qt5”
Please consider installing discover store by default or removing the pinned icon from the panel.

EnOS’ won’t install Discover by default. Or any other GUI package manager for that matter.

As a matter of fact, using packagekit for package management is not recommended on an Arch system since it won’t give the user the possibility of manual intervention which at occasions might be necessary while updating the system or installing packages.

The pinned icon on the panel is done by upstream KDE Plasma and as far as I know nothing EnOS can do about it.

When you choose online installation, the DE:s installed will be “vanilla” and minimal. Not customized by EnOS.

We are working on that. We actually were aiming to release the fix with Artemis but the icon kept coming back.
We don’t install Discover by default because new users thought it also pulled Arch and AUR updates in the past. We did the same with the Gnome centre on that DE.

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So, that Discover is NOT installed with, is good so, because then you do not have to uninstall him first :wink: .
But this dead icon, I must agree with those who criticize this, does not make a good impression. That it disappears with 2 clicks, is something else. It just seems a bit careless that after a fresh installation this dead icon is still there. IMHO

To deepen my earlier answer, we figured out, just before the Artemis release, to remove the dead icon we need to redesign the way ALL DEs are installed by us.
This means a major overhaul that needs more time to accomplish.

Since Apollo was in dire need to be refreshed, we decided to withdraw the fix we had and release it with the next major ISO release.
As I wrote earlier, the dead icon kept coming back after certain updates.

Sometimes “just a removal” of a simple icon can be a headache file for a distro developer… :wink:


Welcome to the forum @SzBenedek2006 :enos: :enos_flag:

Have you thought of a local package, that it would override system setting?

From my research, the issue source is a plasma-desktop file:

/usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.taskmanager/contents/config/main.xml is owned by plasma-desktop

It can normaly be overiden, with a file (or a folder of the complete taskmanager plasmoid) at:


Maybe creating this at /etc/skel/ and/or add/modify/delete with a pacman hook, on plasma-desktop package.
AFAIK, files at skel are only used once, on a first user login, but I am not sure exactly.

Just a thought :person_shrugging:

Only once for each user, whenever new user got created

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It really is the way how the DEs get installed. We have to change certain structures to solve issues like this easier in the future


I think we have a strategy, we just ran out of time for testing as we got close to release.

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as we do not use custom setup for plasma… it is what is there per default.
And it is not easy to simple not have the icon… looks more like the effort is almost the same as maintaining a custom setup.

I do work on it but in this case… is keeping it simple is the hard part.

See here and if you want help us find the best way to get it working:

and as @petsam mentioned the best way will be to plasma-desktop package with the fix…


I’m a total newbie, but I was thinking that maybe there is a way to get rid of that icon, but not on EOS installer directly, but on first KDE plasma login.

Does eos-welcome open always for new users? Is it posible from eos-welcome to execute a script that checks if that icon exists and delete it if Discover is not installed?

I know that maybe it’s a dumb suggestion, just remember I’m newbie. :wink:

as you can see in the readme:

we try already some stuff but the conclusion is that these are not working nicely caused by the way plasma dynamically set configurations up, and is changing also very fast all the time … what would be a hell to maintain (especial for me not using plasma on a regular base)

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This is announced to be fixed in 5.27.2

When setting up a new Plasma system, apps that are pinned to the Task Manager by default in Plasma (Discover, System Settings, Dolphin, and a web browser) but not actually installed by default on the operating system you’re using will now simply be omitted, instead of remaining visible with a broken icon and doing nothing when clicked (Fushan Wen, Plasma 5.27.2. Link)

Maybe it needs to revert workarounds on ISO?


I thought this had been fixed already in EnOS latest ISO?

It has been fixed upstream, so fix in :enos: ISO will not be applied anymore once it’s ready.

@petsam i’ve already informed @joekamprad :wink: