DE suggestions

None, if we are talking tiling and moving windows on the fly… The best is a wm, and I can highly recommend i3wm as it is relatively easy to learn and come preconfigured in eos and works well with the xfce install as alternative session.

That being said KDE and gnome can be configured to use some sort of tiling.


If you need tilling then KDE can do that by configuring KWin using an extension called Kröhnkite. I think GNOME also has something similar (don’t know not a big NOME user).

But personally, I use XFCE. Yeah, it’s not as polished as the big 2 DE’s when it comes to looks but if one can spend a little bit of time then they can mold it to look like mine or something even better.

If you wish to go with hardcore tilling and keyboard navigation then use a WM. My top 3 are Awesome, spectrwm(I created this but was archived due to me being not that active here), and i3wm.

But as many have stated here DE is totally a personal preference. Just go with the one that works for you and with the one that appeals to you. Resource usage is not a big issue nowadays due to new computers having mammoth amounts of RAM and other needed resources.


Thanks. I am looking for something at least like it is on Windows 11. xD
But yes, I think I will need to try all of them to check .
I used i3 before, even with Xfce

Never used Krohnkite, but will try.
Gnome is somehow similar to Windows , at least 2 windows I can tile ( I think)

Xfce and i3, I used it last time on Eos, and it is good combo. Not so polished , but it is working.
btw, your desktop looks really good :slight_smile:

I don’t need hardcore tiling, i3 or bspwm would be fine. But ofc, I need to try them all to decide and find perfect one

Gnome would be very similar concerning the window overview but I think KDE implemented that too now borrowing from gnome. Both gnome and KDE snap and maximize windows when dragging them to left/right border. If you want to tile more than two windows and have more control I would definitely install krohnkit on kde or on gnome pop shell for tiling windows.

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Thank you.

I think AwsomeWM is the easiest out of them all it is almost like a featherweight DE. You don’t need to know lua to configure Awesome there are many config files out there that one can copy or download and use. But anyways best try them all and go with the one you like.

One more thing System76 is also creating a DE called Cosmos (I think). Written in Rust, they are trying to replicate the functions of the GNOME DE without using GNOME and its plugins.


Well, I run QEMU/KVM almost all the time. I just run a script with xrandr. It set’s the resolution every time I boot or log into the OS. I do this with my MX Linux install.

Does it work for any distro or desktop i want to try. I get tired of having to always mess with stuff that’s why i use what works everytime.

Yeah, I just create a .desktop file under ~/.config/autostart. The content of the .desktop file looks like below.

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=bash -c "xrandr --output Virtual-1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal"
Comment[en_IN]=Set Screen Resolution
Comment=Set Screen Resolution

When DE logs me in it sets the resolution without me having to do it manually. Remember to change the command to fit your VM. My monitor is listed as Virtual-1, change it to fit yours. Or you can use arandr to generate the command.

That maybe relevant

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I put this video in garbage tier. Most of these tier list videos go to garbage tier.

If that’s the case I got another one for ya :laughing:

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That one goes into garbage tier, too.

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KDE is the King! :crown:

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By the way, we shouldn’t be tempted by that clickbate thumbnail. Here’s the actual tier ranking presented at the end of the video:

I agree.

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Whether I agree with the particular ranking or not is irrelevant. Such videos are rubbish, regardless.

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When you get tired of DE hopping try a window manager like Openbox or I3 and never look back.


Gnome is just an extension of Buntu! :rofl:

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Whether or not you use a DE, a window manager will definitely improve your workflow.

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