Couldnt remember my password for LUKS encrypted USb Stick

At least tell me what’s on my USB stick :rofl:

if it really is just garbage, delete it :sweat_smile:

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I hope it’s just a bunch of :clown_face: gifs, so it would be ultimate auto-trolling USB :rofl:


Hi @swh - as your password seems to be short, may be with the help of a live Kali Linux you may succeed. I never tried this, but it looks like what might help you:


Thank you @PeterRies. Bruteforce-luks is in the AUR. But the possibility of trying it with Kali-Live has not yet crossed my mind. i’ll give that a try

EDIT. Gonna try it in a qemu VM. I’ll let you know if it has done any good

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Gonna try it, thanks! It seems it works with LUKS.

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Ah! something related to Soccer / Football.
I have a good feeling about this :wink:

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Never used hashcat before but thought it might be worth a try.

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I have never used a tool to spy on passwords before. learning by doing :wink:

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I just want to know what data is on the damaged stick :rofl:

I’m always looking over my shoulder spying on myself. :wink:


common security best practices !


I thought to myself, writing the password on a piece of paper and putting it in the drawer is a very bad idea :sweat_smile:

I guess it depends. I myself don’t use luks on any installs although i might if i switched to systemd-boot. I use grub and it takes too long to open or you have to enter password twice under certain circumstances. I can see reasons why one would want to encypt a drive but I myself never have.

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You don’t have any friend with a quantum computer ?


I mean the USB stick contains data from a previous Linux installation. But don’t ask me why I encrypted the stick. As soon as I know which data, I also know the reason why I encrypted it

No way.

When it comes to security and safety, I always ask myself: “What would Snowden do?” :thinking: :wink: :sweat_smile:

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Put a piece of Paper in his Wallet :rofl:


forget his password :sweat_smile: