I’m using i3wm on Xorg. I’m using a GTX 1080. I have a VGA cable going to my left monitor (henceforth referred to as monitor 1), and an HDMI cable going to my right monitor (monitor 2). Both monitors are an Acer KA240H. From the computer’s perspective, everything is working properly. I can open windows and click and type on them regardless of the monitor. I can move the mouse right of monitor 1, and it’ll be on monitor 2. Problem is, I’m not seeing anything on monitor 2. It’s not rendering a black screen, the power indicator on the monitor would be blue instead of orange, it’s just not getting any video information.
Back when I first installed EndeavourOS, I had the same issue and switched to nvidia-beta-dkms, and that fixed the issue. However, after updating that last week, I ran into a bunch of issues, so I’m now on the standard nvidia package since that’s the only thing that’s getting me to a usable state, albeit without the 2nd monitor.
Have you used arandr to configure your monitors? You can set up and configure your monitors using arandr, save the config as a script and have that execute at login or simply use the command that arandr creates in that script in your i3 config.
Something along the lines of, this comes from a screenlayout I used earlier in the year : xrandr --output HDMI-0 --off --output DP-0 --primary --mode 3840x2160 --pos 2160x1176 --rotate normal --output DP-1 --off --output DP-2 --mode 3840x2160 --pos 0x0 --rotate left --output DP-3 --off --output DP-4 --off --output DP-5 --off
Misremembered a few things about my system, so I went through the wires.
Monitor 1, the one on the left, is HDMI.
Monitor 2, the one on the right, is a VGA (or DVI?) to HDMI converter. VGA/DVI on the computer end, HDMI on the monitor end
I’m using Ly. Currently it’s just outputting to the left monitor like it is when I log in, but when I was going through all the weird nvidia xorg stuff last week, sometimes it would output to the right monitor, sometimes it would output to both. Also before I configure anything, operating systems tend to think my right monitor is the primary monitor
anyway as @Koloss mentioned you should use xrandr script to run on login … with ly it should not interfere as it does not use any xserver.
add an exec to your i3 config: exec --no-startup-id ~/.screenlayout/monitor.sh
and it will use the xrandr script arandr is creating if you save the config
joke aside… could be something with nvidia driver is failing.
You could try to check if its related to the i3 setup … installing fluxbox and see if its the same there… fluxbox does not need any special setup…