Come roll with us with our heads towards the future

Oh yeah, the removal of the terms “whitelist” and “blacklist” is probably the stupidest thing that I’ve heard in tech-related news this year. If someone is genuinely offended over those terms, I will ridicule them. I try not to be a dick, but there are limits :rofl:


Yep! and I’m dark. Again it’s cos there’s so many :snowflake: s around. So I continue to use those words couldn’t careless what they think.

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It is not hatred, it is resistance.



I am intentionally staying out of this. Like I said in the moderator’s thread @nate if you have any questions regarding those two individuals message me privately.

This is a technical forum!

@Kresimir They’re going to banish you :joy:


and me :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I hope not.


That’s what they are discussing :joy:

@Kresimir You better pack your bags :baggage_claim:

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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Not you two lol… :rofl: The two that left silly.


Really amazed that this discussion still continues…
There’s nothing else to say really.

I believe no one here have acted poorly, with lack of empathy or in bad faith and certainly it’s not a fault of community in this case, that people decided to leave.

If problem arise - we should talk with each other, and that is exactly what happened, which i think is a very healthy way of dealing with problems!

It is very sad that people left, but that looks like a free choice, as clearly nobody here was fighting the war against them personally or any other group of people.

On a more constructive side, i wanted to answer @jonathon here, as i believe this is very important:

This is an often-overused phrase. “Free speech” doesn’t include the right to cause distress or offence, or victimise someone. Verbal abuse is not freedom of speech. Being an insensitive clod is not freedom of speech.

I don’t think you’re correct here! :slightly_smiling_face:

Certainly not overused by me, as i believe 100% freedom of speech - is the only thing that can actually mitigate any conflict by means of verbal communication (otherwise we’re ok with shooting Charlie Hebdo for religious joke or any other acts of violence against any form of speech, and i really hope no one here is for aggressive violence).

Sad truth is that you can’t be nuanced here, there is no such thing as “partial freedom of speech”, that’s why i also added very important point: Freedom of association

For example:

  1. It is our freedom to make forum rules exactly like we want, and banish people out of our community for not following them with clear conscience. For example: we do not tolerate violence or calls for violence in any shape or form.

  2. It is our freedom to leave this community if and when we wish so, and join or create a community with own rules which reflects our views and believes (regardless of what they are, until it’s form of speech).

Freedom of speech in itself is absolute and is a right of any individual human being, regardless of his/her views., but to live in a productive and healthy society and communicate (which @jonathon obviously pointed to) - we need to agree on Freedom of association aspects for a particular community and it is each one’s responsibility to follow agreed rules and common sense.

It’s about responsibility, not anarchy.

I think this is exactly what happened and this is a sign of a very healthy community.

  1. Issue was raised

  2. We have talked, publicly, politely and without prejudice of any kind (at least i can speak for myself).

  3. People who have still seen something (attributing motive), which clearly wasn’t there - decided to leave (i believe mostly because moderators decided not to censor or delete joke [kudos!], because it’s not against forum rules or common sense, and wasn’t something hateful towards anyone)

  4. I’m absolutely sure, that if those who left us, will change their minds & feelings and decide to join back - nobody would be against it and will just welcome them! No one have died, you know :slight_smile:


Let’s move on please and be nice to each other, @Bryanpwo have made a great point in OP - it should be more than unifying message for all of us here to be better and continue our journey together! :rocket:



ps. Sorry, just wanted to have a say in all this, me too



On the contrary…This world isn’t always sunshines and rainbows. Maybe for you it is, but for others it is not. Hence why I try and abide by the golden rule of treat others how you would like to be treated. As such, I always try and be empathetic to the plight of others even if their plight doesn’t concern me.

I also like the phrase “Be kind for everybody is fighting a battle” Again that is a mantra I try to live by. We never know what others are going through, so what may be insignificant and petty to you could seem monumental to someone else, given everything else they may be going through at that moment in time. Or, it may be the proverbial straw that breaks their back dependent on their current circumstances. I’d also like to add that I think the above phrase is especially more poignant given the pandemic and ensuing recession that has now affected millions of people all over the world.


Personally, I’ve not heard of freedom of associstion. However, I agree with jonathon in that

An old Greek once said:

Of all things Man is the measure

Fast forward two thousands some hundreds of years later, that would translate:

Of all things I am the measure

me guess.

Situations like this are somewhat difficult for me because I have conflicting beliefs within myself.

On the one hand, I hate political correctness and everything to do with it. I can’t stand being part of a world where if I say slightly the wrong thing I could lose my job and be unable to support my family.

On the other had, I have spent the last few years trying to improve myself and be more like the person I aspire to be. That person understands that everyone has a different background and experiences which form their belief system. Even if I don’t understand or agree with someone else’s opinion, it doesn’t make it wrong. Additionally, if someone is hurt by something that I believe to be a trivial joke, does that humor have sufficient value to warrant hurting another person?

In truth, I hadn’t planned to post in this topic because I am not sure what I said above adds anything new to what has already been discussed. However, as re-read the first post, I was struck by an important question I didn’t see anyone asking.

What, exactly, is being done to the person in the picture and…why? :thinking:


Holi festival?!


Holi Festival in Pictures