I have recently encountered an error where I can’t seem to resolve a dependency for libelf. The exact output from my terminal after running pacman -Syu is:
warning: cannot resolve “libelf=0.187”, a dependency of “lib32-libelf” :: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
I have already tried updating mirrors by making a new mirrorlist with Reflector as well as ensuring that multilib is enabled. I checked on the Arch forums and someone had a similar problem, but was able to solve it by enabling multilib. As I already have multilib enabled I assume this is another issue. I am able to proceed with a system update but I know leaving an unresolved dependency for too long can cause a few issues. I think this is a dependency for lib32-mesa and opengl drivers.
Do you have the testing repository enabled (look in /etc/pacman.conf)? If so, do you also have the multilib-testing repository enabled? It looks like 0.187 of libelf is in the testing repo and 0.187 of lib32-libelf is in the multilib testing repo.