Bspwm edition

:cough: :cough: @BONK I don’t know if you still have that wall like everyone else I loved them…

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Lol post number 7 in this thread.

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I remember seeing it and I loved then so I just had to search for it!


that up to date one ?

i ask as now on usb3 ssd EOS Arm sway , so have free sd card x2 … i might take look

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I haven’t tested yet but yes it is updated one.

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config should be .config…I don’t how to rename the file so when you copy configs make it config

@ubikOne we can’t use Alacritty because it causes probelms with ARM.For SWAY i’m using termite and xfce4-terminal. I will look for @Shjim list and post here

Courtesy of Shijim and his testing

so far on pi4 run 32bit kitty,alacritty,xterm no work for me

lxterminal,terminator,termite ,xfce4-terminal do

system that run 64bit may diff ( sad 64bit on 8G pi4 have problems so i no use )

that suck… in that case temite? probably the best second choice

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if idea for Bspwm Edition is for x86 + ARM ? then best idea is termite for default ATM .

no all but most EOS ARM user are pi which Arch 64bit have usb problem still ( far as i know ) so 32bit in most use, Alacritty no work for me on Pi4 . @Pudge mght have different xp?

Alacritty work great on Pinebook Pro that run 64 bit :blush: sad only 2 people here use PBP ( i know of )

As in Eos sway Edition . Termite default terminal mod+Return ( if it that ) ?

second terminal if you prefer Alacritty mod+Shift+Return …

keybindings above just examples .

that way ARM users can try out your bspwm edition. Also user can switch to Alacritty

Thought i just give idea …


if you’re gone offer dotfiles - at least offer something new than just the exapmle files. the example files that comes with bspwm is just approx 8 lines - and it’s not meant to be used - they show yuo how it can be done. my personal bspwmrc is close to 60 lines now. If ppl only offer example files ( which we already have trough the build there’s really not point in ti) if you make some custom things and add to the file that is worth sharing. I saw you even had kupfer in yuor file- I dont know of any one how s used that for 5-6 years you can deleete it among osme other lines i dont even thin kupfer is developed anymore- peopele use rofi and dmenu thsese days


That being said - your poly on the firrst ss is someting you could(should)share - it looks nice and would look nice as a fist bspwm edititon poybar config

you got my user name -i just wrote you a post on telegram in the are not alone- I just took a step back- you need help- ping me

I can only support Termite- I’ve used it since it was as infant - still do - it’s a greatterminal

time for a SS/ranomly staged worspace for this ss)
If anyone is curios I started of with tokyvim colors - ported it to terminal - then ported it to gtk I use gtk -theme-framework dfro prting gtk themes) and rofi /dunst . Cocistenty is underrated



For anyone curious, stuff is happening! We are just talking in the telegram over this! I will make sure I’ll update here if there’s anything big! For here is what were doing!

Color Scheme : EOS Colors with ArcDark as GTK3 themes. By that I mean while the GTK3 theme is the colors of ArcDark - temrinal and polybar will be themed with the EOS purple colors etc; @flyingcakes is working on polybar.

Terminal : Termite - EOS Colors

Polybar and Rofi : Rofi config’s for launching the application will come from i3. However power-menu and other things might be our own design. Still through rofi. Polybar will be used - don’t worry we’ve asked!

FIle Manager - PcmanFM-GTK3 or Thunar

Also @anon77235960 one is back! We are all working together and we’ve set a timescale.

I feel this message is too blunt…It’s not meant to be! Here’s some emoji’s to make up for it! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :shushing_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:


I know ARc Dark is agreed upon but wouldnt it be brtter to use EndeavourOS olors anywats. A program likr gtk-theme-framework would make an ew colorcheme in coloscheme in 2-3 minutes.Above all I thin considtenty is the most understed thing there iws

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The devs are also completely happy for us to go fully ArcDark. @joekamprad, @manuel at least I think so? If you want consistency it would a lot easier to theme the whole thing around ArcDark rather than EOS colors.

Of course this is just advice! It’s what me and @morten-b did for sway. I also fully support EOS colors!

How would one create a gtk3 theme? That’s seems useful in the future. We might have ourselves an EOS ‘matcha’ alternative… :wink:

i was thinking about that already… there is that tool:

aur/oomox (+41 0.71) 
    Themix: GUI for generating different color variations of Arc, Materia, Oomox themes (GTK2, GTK3, Cinnamon, GNOME, MATE, Openbox, Xfwm), ArchDroid, Gnome-Colors, Numix, Papirus, Suru++ icons, and terminal palettes. Have a hack for HiDPI in GTK2.

It’s seems to support everything in existance! Expect QT and Kvantum it seems…:frowning:

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yes QT theming is a complete different thing… but it should be possible to find a way to parse it into Kvantum :wink:

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Sorry! Time for a update to let you guys know what’s happening!

Things That Have Happened!

  • (@flyingcakes) Polybar config added.

  • Multimedia keys and etc; added to sxhd config

  • (@ubikOne) SSH Management add via rofi

Things To Do

  • We still need to replicate some of the scripts that exist in i3 and SWAY

    • EG: We still need a power script
  • Bugs (of course)

  • Penguin1 is back (yes I know I’ve said like a hundred times)

  • ARM - we’re not the stage yet that we propely test it

  • Although we’d love some testing (correct me if I’m wrong) - we’re aren’t the stage that testing it would be any help…if that makes sense.

Apart from that all is good!!! Have a week everyone!