Bspwm edition

Oh this guy:



@anon77235960 tried to contact you on Telegram (hope it was you!), couldnā€™t find the group, but probably because I gave it a proper man look :smiley:

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@xircon you can find me and i add you

guys i am working on bspwm if you guys interested take look at my dot files link color scheme is horrible :sweat_smile:


first look nice, second mehā€¦ anyway if you want, you can help us. you can find our telegram group

ok peeps, i finally think correctly and made our telegram public :smiley:
so if you want participate in making bspwm edition, help or learn something
please join us

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HI, Do you have any test ISO available?

well not yetā€¦ iā€™m thinking about doing that, but u know work and family
but as soon as we finish with configs and choosing basic apps iā€™ll try to make iso


we will go to update ISO soon, after this is done we start implementing community contributed setups :enos_flag:


Is this project still up to date or has it been abandoned?
@ubikOne @xircon @anon77235960

I have been too tied up with work to do anything, I havenā€™t seen @anon77235960 around for a while.

last I saw Penguin left the telegram groupā€¦

I think things are still moving, just very slowly (as you can tell). Iā€™m trying to help things along, but Iā€™m not too much help, unfortunately.

i start to work again. but alone this time

he did left

Just to be clear, Joe just asked this question for our information. Thereā€™s absolutely no rush to have it ready.


OKAY - A long deserved update for everyone. We are back! Myself and @ubikOne and going to work on this again. There is a somewhat limited and messy configā€™s already uploaded to work from on github. We need all the help we can get since I know nothing about bspwm and @ubikOne is quite busy! @ramblinwreck @Krimkerre @xircon and everyone else! Thereā€™s many things wrong with the current config (many!) and most of them are just the example configs!


@OdiousImp i told this isnā€™t only my project this is community project that happened to take over after penguin1 left.

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Sorry! :face_with_thermometer: I mend! :laughing:

i forgive :crazy_face:

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