Bspwm edition

I wish someone would make space-cadet keyboards again, identical in overall build, key switches and quality as the old ones, but modernised for a GNU/Linux PC. I would be pretty expensive, but I’d pay a fair price for one, it’s absolutely gorgeous.


I used one in 1980, they were really gorgeous :heart:


I still have one of these around. Space key is a little wonky but it works with at>at-ps2>ps2-usb adapters :sweat_smile:

That is not a space-cadet :smiley:


understood just a tank of a clicky keyboard is all. i read the link. :wink:


I’d really like a big, chunky keyboard, about half a metre wide and at least 1 kg in weight. Metal bottom, thick, virtually unbreakable plastic case, mechanical switches that will never wear out. Something built to last for long, to become outdated and obsolete due to standards changing, to outlive Linux itself.

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Sounds like IBM model m

Yeah, IBM model M seems pretty decent.

I actually joined telegram now, but bspwm-eos doesn’t show anything when I search for it.

can search for me or @ubikOne and we can invite you to the group.

This means there must be a DM right?
I mean that’s no problem - those that prefer startx just disable lightdm.service - so no problem

i do configure i3 to use lightdm but as far as i know we could install without DM, we have a script for enable DM’s but it simple try the three most common and will enable the one it finds, so i think if there is no it will simple enable none. But then you need to have a .xinitrc or similar configured.


I type my username in tty
then passwd
then startx and I’m in

I do ofc have exec bspwm as the last line in .xinitrc

sure as i say we do not need to have DM for bspwm implementation, but then we need .xinitrc configured to start it, and not experienced users will not find out that they need to type startx, have a DM is more convinient .


I agree as experienced uaer will know how to remove the DE if it is unwanted. Bit for new users a DM is of big help

do you think it will be ready for december?

The plan was actually for November - but for December I can guarantee it will be ready. I just had an accident with my dog and have to take care of her - and have to learn some git stuff. But @ubikOne is an expert on git so we got it covered. So the short answer will be Yes - it will be finished for the December release

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well i’m not an expert, i only know how to use it

Well you’re an expert to me :smiley:

And compared to me - you invented git :rofl:

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well you compare me to Linus Torvalds

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