Bspwm edition

srsly? I use vim myself but for someone wantint to try a new wm they shouldn’t have to google how to exit vim - I install vim on my personal install anywa but maybe some gui would fit better for a huge part of the target group

Realy i dount that neweby will Try wm

I my experience wm is a choise of somewhat advanced users that are willing to spend time to customize it

if that’s the case the who are we doing it for? I already have bspwm on all my thinkpads - I just thought like manjaro back in the day with manjarobox got people inteerested in openbox. When they see how easy bspwm actually is maybe there will be a couple of new users

We are doinf this for all the peeps that want to Try bspwm.

Ok than we will stay with bare miminum.

and you think that is only advanced users? they would just build it from source themselves

editor - file manager - browser - and a terminal the latter can give them whatever they want That how I saw it at least. I wanted to et up mpd and ncmpcpp too but learned a lot of users prefer gui music programs

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I’m just following along (loosely) - but I’d think that micro would be a good fit. It’s got to be the lightest with syntax highlighting options, and works ‘in’ the terminal like nano.

If GUI makes the cut, then I’d say featherpad.

Feel free to ignore - I’m too old now to remember the key assignments anyway - even from a couple of hours previous :grin: Otherwise I’d be on a tiling setup for sure (what an excellent time-sink)


You’re never too old to try new things - my mother is in her 70’s and she used bspwm for several motnhs before going back to openbox. she didn’t use all the most advanced funtions ofc but she liked how "perfectrly in order " the windows were as opposed to stacking where they are on top of each other.Full disclosure I made a cheatsheet she had access to with f1 If you’re a tiny bit interested in trying I’ll make you a easy cheatsheet with the most basic navigation and momement of windows. Bwpwm is super simple compared to something like i3 - it can be made more advanced ofc but it has some very minimal and sane defaults

edit: And I’m not saying this only cause I se bspwm myself - I’ve used i3 too but my personal favorites are bspwm and herbstluftwm

featherpad looks promising could easily get my vote. Let’s see what the others say


Micro is a cli editor, no dependencies and is CUA compatible (ctrl+s = save, ctrl+c is copy etc). It is 11.4mb installed.

I am an emacs user, I don’t mind vi(m) style editors, if I want modal editing, I can use evil or my own, which uses ryo as it’s base.

But generally I prefer emacs bindings.

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I’m just a hobbyist - not a programmer or anything like that - but tbh if I were to learn vim or emacs today I’d gone with emacs. Don’t get me wrong I love vim but it is still an editor - emacs is an environment of its own

Same here, used to program (visual foxpro), just write stuff for me. Forced (or forcing) myself to learn python, do not like it.

I wish there was something like xbase or clipper for Linux, never got harbour to install (not for the want of trying).

I’ve never been really interested in programming and stuff - bspwm and herbstluftwm woke a desire to learn shellscripting tho when I saw what could be achieved by adding a line or two.

Isn’t python supposed to be kinda easy to learn (if learning a new language can be called easy)

Not really that easy, you must have seen a python error message or several - gobbledygook :rofl:

Reminded me of a post on Reddit a few months back. He “bragged” about using emacs but was using vim to edit the config. a lot of ppl lol’d of that post


Emacs is just an editor, whatever people say, I don’t use orgmode, email and rarely use the built in terminals, there are better tools (vterm is OKish). But you need another editor to edit your config, for when you screw it up :smiley:

Running plasma as I need to do some work stuff, but this is my emacs:

Nice looking beast. I am at this moment migrating slowly from vim to emacs with evil Mode. Emacs binding are for me lets Say fingerbraker.

Can’t you even have a browser emacs? I’m pretty sure I heard or saw something about it. If so I’d say it’s an environment - there might be better tools for the job ofc but if emacs is all you need and it can get it done…

It’s like if these bloated websites didn’t give me high bloodpressure I’d live in tty - can get everything done from there too but I just need a “real” browser

You can run emacs as wm if you want

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