Bspwm edition

nah bspwm always gotta be the superoir :rofl:

so what are we gonna fill these reops with commpile bspwm i the bspwm repo in one sxhkc in another and plynar i nthe last?
i s that that plan -and then we start on working on those configs

for the start yes

to who send repos?

Iā€™m lready gtting ready for pushing sxhkd

but honestly before make it public, it would be better to make collaboration

it would be easer to mantain and to merge stuff

i made telegram group form this project


Thereā€™s got to be an easier way to do this. I could put together a set up and people cold come with input what they want etc My gtthub skills are now officially on par with a 5 year young girl with no interest in computers. :rofl:

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yes, this is true

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this is the easiest way.
gh give tools to team work

I get that - but it would be easier if one person just made a build of bspwm and then pushed it to GitHub where people could collaborate. Like now - I canā€™t even push to the repo cause I donā€™t have a user name and password. Say 4-5 ppl had equal access to the repo that would be an easier way to do it. so someone had an idea they could push it and everyone could see what was happening.

Iā€™ve heard of this Github org where several people have equal acess I think that would be easier. Now itā€™s just the two of us but also @xircon and @BONK have something to contribute to this

If not mistaken thatā€™s how jaagr did it with polybar when he stopped working on it - he gave several persons equal access and it has worked out well. Maybe your daughter have some opinion on the matter? :rofl:

I feel weā€™re kinda overcomplcate things- it just s simple build done in a few minutes. I could do that - and then the git wizards could do whatā€™s needed on that end. Anyone whoā€™s ever built bspwm know how minimal it is the config is 8 lines - the keybindings are longer ofc but is says something about how minmal this really is. I have some custom stuff in my bspwmrc and sxhkdrc - some scripts and external rules. but thatā€™s things we want to leave out of a build like this. stay as close as defaults as possible would be my suggetsion. I remebmer some manjaro users on reddt were completely lost cuse they keybindings they were used to didnā€™t work on a default i3. so using defaults is a good thing IMHO

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btw Iā€™ve used mech kb with no letters for the last time - itā€™s even worse than autocorrect - I thought I would learn it pretty fast but I switch kbā€™s too often. Have ordered a new now - with letters this time :rofl:

so for anyone conidering buying a mechanical keyboard - do it - but have letterts on the keys - unless you 're gonna use only that one kb - then it will be a lot easier to get used to

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Ok peeps to simplified things.
I need to know who also will work with us
Then i can add them to telegram group ad to gh collaboration.

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yeah I think nano would be the right choice here as not everyone is comfortable with vim - or did you think something more like kate or whatever they are all called? I actually donā€™t know any but Kate I think but suggestions is always welcome :smile:
I also thought of setting up mpd and ncmpcpp for them but many prefer gui music players but mpv for video should be ok

Micro is even easier than nano. Kate probably pulls a load of Plasma deps, featherpad is lighter:

l /usr/bin/featherpad
Permissions Size User Date Modified    Name
.rwxr-xr-x  1.3M root 2020-07-05 13:37 /usr/bin/featherpad

Depends On      : hunspell  qt5-svg  qt5-translations  qt5-x11extras  hicolor-icon-theme

I think vim with proppers config and easly accesable cheatsheet is better choise. Or maeby emacs? If youwant GUI text editor code-ossis better. Kate deppends on plasma.

youre ptobaby right about kate. minimal bspwm install and 2000 pkgs thx to kate :rofl:

have never heard of the other two but as long as they are gui ppl should be satisfied

As think People who are interestednin wm are usualy tired of GUI. So minimal GUI apps will be best way i my opinion

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