Bootloader Installation Error code 1

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strange issueā€¦ i see this from the installer log (first one)

[PYTHON JOB]: "Bootloader: grub (efi)" 
    .. Running QList("grub-install", "--target=x86_64-efi", "--efi-directory=/boot/efi", "--bootloader-id=endeavouros", "--force") 
    .. Target cmd: QList("grub-install", "--target=x86_64-efi", "--efi-directory=/boot/efi", "--bootloader-id=endeavouros", "--force") Exit code: 1 output:
 Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
Could not prepare Boot variable: No space left on device
grub-install: error: efibootmgr failed to register the boot entry: Input/output error.
WARNING: [PYTHON JOB]: "Command 'grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=endeavouros --force' returned non-zero exit status 1." 
[PYTHON JOB]: "stdout:Installing for x86_64-efi platform.\nCould not prepare Boot variable: No space left on device\ngrub-install: error: efibootmgr failed to register the boot entry: Input/output error." 

Could not prepare Boot variable: No space left on device
from there i see also this:

nvme1n1p1 holds a windows ESP with 260MB

Yes I saw that as well.

Itā€™s strange since the issue is not that ESP doesnā€™t have any space left. It was newly created after all.

The issue seemed rather be that

 efibootmgr failed to register the boot entry:

I have seen this issue before with some UEFI implementations where the ā€œregularā€ grub-install fails. Adding --removable seems to be a ā€œsolutionā€ (workaround) as it was in this case.

lately or longer times ago? as of i remember this happens a long time ago oftenā€¦

Mainly interested as there is an ongoing issue with kpmcore we are currently investigating.
Related to msdos partition scheme as we thinkā€¦ but could be also something else

This is not the relevant ESP.

The relevant ESP for this install is /dev/nvme0n1p1 with the size of 1074MB.

Lately, no but if the issue, as I remember it, is related to some UEFI implementation, that wouldnā€™t be relevant.

good (or not good) but there will always be hardware not working 100%

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Perhaps you would want to consider adding --removable to the grub-install command line in the installer.

It may avoid situations like this particular case. Also, some users may install the system on an external disk.

It is harmless after all as it only installs the grub bootloaderā€™s efi binary BOOTX64.EFI into the fallback path /boot/BOOT.

i remember that it can be problematic in some casesā€¦ would need to do some researchā€¦ but if so yes would be something to think aboutā€¦ may as a fallback option in case specific error happen

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Keep in mind the install failed before it finished. It was mostly done at that point so the system is probably working but there may be some services that arenā€™t running, missing or extra drivers or other small issues.

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Are you referring to the failed installation reported in the first post?

They did install a second time successfully but with no bootloader so we could install it manually post-install.


Oh, OK, that is good then.


Most probably it is this issue.
Maybe the USB installer needs to boot in paranoia. :rofl:

uh wau interesting i like these smart guys pulling in these hints :wink:

I got some paranoia too now :space_invader:

Main problem with such issues is that these cases are very rare and if you do not have the hardware very hard to test ā€¦
I do not think its a good idea to boot this by default ?

You may want to add a boot entry in installerā€™s boot menu, to use when this happens, while inform the user, either in wiki, or after a failure to install (if such detection is possible).
Or, add a button to clear such dump-* entries, or do it anyway from the start of the installer.
IIUC they are dump, not actually useful, probably created from errors, or someone forgot to clean their mess. :man_shrugging:

Maybe @snehil can confirm if there are actually such dump vars.

What is the output of this?

ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars | grep "^dump" 

dump-* entry cleaning could be good to do ā€¦ a slong as it is safe to do automaticallyā€¦
And yea adding boot entry would be a thing but ā€¦ confusing we can also add boot parameter manually in case needed

From Archwiki

If they exist, delete them, reboot and retry again.

Deleting is harmless

Warning: efi_no_storage_paranoia should only be used when needed and should not be left as a normal boot option. The effect of this kernel command line parameter turns off a safeguard that was put in place to help avoid the bricking of machines when the NVRAM gets too full. See FS#34641 for more information.

Boot option is not harmless.

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