Pre-req: I have Secure Boot disabled by default. SATA mode is AHCI.
Removed any USB devices as this thread said. No luck.
I thought I would boot into my EOS live usb, but it won’t boot either! Same issue!
Even tried booting into nomodeset with no luck
Fallback image doesn’t work either.
But I could boot into my Linux Mint XFCE live usb and access the files
I did get an error while booting: integrity: Problem loading X.509 certificate -65
So I searched for bad sectors (like this thread said) using badblocks on the main drive; returned none.
Tried resetting the bios settings, nope.
What seems to be the cause? I really don’t know. Perhaps it’s the pacman-hooks for my NVIDIA card? Or maybe because I had not updated the system for a while?
Can I chroot into the system using the Mint Live USB and update the system with it? Maybe a kernel issue?
Can you give us any more info about how and why the system shut down abruptly?
That seems to have caused problems to one or more files in the system.
Also, the disk may be starting to fail, especially if it is very old and used extensively.
First thing to do is backup any important personal data to an external drive.
Then, if you have the EndeavourOS USB installer available, you can use that to arch-chroot into your system and try to reinstall packages with something like
sudo pacman -Syu $(pacman -Qqne)
Look at the EndeavourOS wiki for more about arch-chroot.
okay, to answer the first question, i was studying yesterday, and had turned the screen off to focus (there’s a manual switch in the keyboard which turns the laptop screen off). after about 5 minutes or so, I tried turning the screen on again, only to find out that the laptop is off. And when I booted it, the error was there.
and yes, I have backed up all of my important documents and dotfiles which I need.
I can’t boot into the EndeavourOS USB installer. It shows the same error.
That sounds a bit strange.
Maybe the shutdown caused the boot process to fail, or some problem in the BIOS/firmware settings (may be good to look at them too).
try to boot with something else what doesn’t check the nvme and try to mount it could be that the filesystem is corrupt or the nvme has if you mount it and you see the nvme file system then is something else, in the out could not the root mounted that’s why you see only endeauvouros starting.
hmm well it is about 3-4 years old.
could you list scenarios when there seems to have fallen parts?
my laptop mostly stays on my desks and performs like a desktop.
Plenty of stories floating around about failing hardware I’m to lazy to go search so if you really want to then please feel free.
With that said I am not saying that is the issue I’m just pointing out the possibility.
I don’t know anything about your system as you failed to mention to us much about it at all other than it wont boot. Is it Intel or Amd and other info that could be useful to us. The only thing you mention is NVIDIA which may or may not have anything to do with this particular issue. Are you able to access journals? logs?