Audacity's future is uncertain

I believe what new management did with GPLv2 is technically illegal (Leaking telemetry to law enforcement / PG-13 etc), what forks are doing is technically just bring things back to where they were / should be with GPLv2, and forks are definitely legal :laughing: .

Indeed, teams are forming, it’s little to early for now.

I am referring to the audiocity fork above. They ripped the GPLv2 license off of it and replaced with a GPLv3 after forking it.


Oh, yeah that’s not good idea.
It’s not the fork itself, but fork of fork by man who done AUR package though…

Initial audiocity seems to be GPLv2 still

Actually it seems you can do this:

From the audacity license text:

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.


Certainly doesn’t sound good…

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Yes, it’s legal to distribute Audacity or any derivative of it under either GPLv2 or GPLv3. The only thing that might be of questionable legality is the age restriction that the Audacity’s owner company is trying to impose. I’m not sure about that.

So what do you think of this?

There are already dozens of Audacity forks. We’ll see in time which one is going to crystallise as the most popular one.

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According to dt those are most popular forks currently: - Tenacity - Audacium

P.S. Again, not user of this program myself, so do your research :wink:


So, did you guys switch already? I will, not just because of the “controversy” but also because Audacity is buggy for me lately.
I just watched the video @keybreak linked and I guess I will choose Tenacity 'cause they keep the way how selections are marked while Audacium seems to have changed this. But from the video it looks like both are good alternatives and both seem to have a lot of contributors.

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Well, as you can see one goes with the other :upside_down_face:

Coz when you try to do everything to alienate open-source community / contributors to project…Well they go out :laughing:


I’d wager to say the music industry and their silly DMC obstacles. Audacity can be used to rip music. Well, anything can.