Arm install from Welcome

So I updated the eeprom on the pi400 and still didn’t have any luck getting it to load up on the usb external SSD or a usb thumb drive. I tried various images such as raspberry pi and manjaro. The issue has something to do with the bootloader or uuid but I’m not sure.

So after @Pudge’s suggestion which i had totally forgot about i used my laptop to run the installer and image the micro sd that came with the pi 400. Yes it’s quite small but it worked without a hitch. Now i am going to try and boot the pi 400 on it.




For now i will use micro sd cards until i figure out what the issue is with the boot on usb. Going to pick up some faster micro sd that are larger.

KDE with btrfs in an nvme drive in an external enclosure.

sudo rm /etc/lsb-release doesn’t exist, but system info shows EndeavourOS, I get audio through the audio jack in my wired headphones.



I thought I fixed this issue. I added lsb-release to base-install. Let me see what is going wrong.

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How did you update the eeprom?
What is the installed version?

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OK (thanks for the tip :slight_smile: ) I installed it and neofetch presents the complete info now.

I used the raspberry pi os and updated it first. I may have forgotten to update the firmware? I did run sudo rpi-eeprom-update -d -a to update the boot rom.

So now I’m thinking i didn’t update the firmware and maybe that’s the issue with booting on ssd? :thinking:

Edit: I was supposed to run sudo rpi-update to update the firmware. So i will try this again.

It should get updated with the rest of your current system:

I’ll have to see how to check it on raspberry pi as i just booted on that.

Latest version:
rpi-eeprom 20220520-1

apt show rpi-eeprom


I can’t do it that quick I’m just booting up on a new image of raspberry pi. It will take me a while to get through this.

Better make sure.

They suggest updating through raspi-config or the tools in the Raspberry Pi image:
(section “Updating the bootloader”)

These two commands seem to me they show incoherent info in EOS:

[lxn@lxnau ~]$ sudo rpi-eeprom-update
BOOTLOADER: update available
CURRENT: Thu 2 Dec 11:08:03 UTC 2021 (1638443283)
LATEST: Tue 26 Apr 10:24:28 UTC 2022 (1650968668)
RELEASE: critical (/lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader/critical)

VL805_FW: Using bootloader EEPROM
VL805: up to date
CURRENT: 000138a1
LATEST: 000138a1

[lxn@lxnau ~]$ pacman -Qi rpi-eeprom
Name : rpi-eeprom
Version : 20220520-1

Edit: to check current version of the eeprom:


I did update the firmware and also the eeprom but sadly it seems it’s still not wanting to boot on the ssd drive. On the micro sd it boots and comes up pretty quick. On the ssd it’s just not working. :angry:

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I just finished a test install on my Raspberry Pi 400 Hardware Rev 1.0 using a Samsung 850 EVO 250 GB SSD in a USB 3 enclosure.

Everything worked as expected. Audio worked out of the box, and I checked with pavucontrol and it came up “Built-in Audio Digital Stereo (HDMI)” out of the box.



At this point, I suspect the USB Enclosure may be at fault. Some of the older enclosures and now a days cheap enclosurers (I am NOT saying you are cheap) do not support booting up from these devices. Some enclosures are only intended for storing data and not for booting into an OS.

If you have another enclosure, try using it. If not, here is what I am now buying for this purpose. They are fast, and reliable.

I did not mention, I used ext4 for the file system.

I also recommend installing hardinfo-gtk3 for GTK systems
$ yay -S hardinfo-gtk3


As for updating the EEPROM, here is a snippet from this Topic
[ARM] Raspberry Pi 4b tips and tricks

[ARM] Raspberry Pi 4b tips and tricks

RPi 4b hardware Ver 1.2 has old eeprom firmware. This limits what can and cannot
be installed with Arch Linux Arm. The latest on board VL805 firmware is 000138a1

Arch Linux ARM has added a EEPROM update tool to check if EEPROM firmeare is the proper version for booting from a USB SSD named rpi-eeprom-update

sudo pacman -S rpi-eeprom

Then as root or sudo run rpi-eeprom-update and it will list if your eeprom is up to date or not

# rpi-eeprom-update

If an updated eeprom firmware is needed add “a” to the command

$ sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a

Of course, update your eeprom firmware at your own risk.


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I found the error in the image creation code. I have fixed it and the new images will be up around 30 minutes


I just bought a couple of micro sd Kingston 32 GB 100 MB/s because they were cheap. I’m not having any issues with the installer on micro sd cards. I just have to figure out why it’s not booting on the ssd drive. Could be the drive or the case that it’s in. I’m going to try some other options. Maybe pick up another drive and case.

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Do you want to test images for ARM too???

I’d like to do a lot of things. :man_shrugging: I’d like to get this working on usb boot rather than microsd cards but well see if that works out or not. Might need some other hardware first. It’s obviously a hardware issue when it’s booting on usb. It tries but isn’t successful completing a boot on the flashed image.

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lsb-release installed out-of-the-box!

BSPWM install with brtfs filesystem.
Audio jack (with headphones) and bluetooth are working.
