As for updating the EEPROM, here is a snippet from this Topic
[ARM] Raspberry Pi 4b tips and tricks
[ARM] Raspberry Pi 4b tips and tricks
RPi 4b hardware Ver 1.2 has old eeprom firmware. This limits what can and cannot
be installed with Arch Linux Arm. The latest on board VL805 firmware is 000138a1
Arch Linux ARM has added a EEPROM update tool to check if EEPROM firmeare is the proper version for booting from a USB SSD named rpi-eeprom-update
sudo pacman -S rpi-eeprom
Then as root or sudo run rpi-eeprom-update and it will list if your eeprom is up to date or not
# rpi-eeprom-update
If an updated eeprom firmware is needed add “a” to the command
$ sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a
Of course, update your eeprom firmware at your own risk.