Are we nerds?

Gee- seems to be an “Uber-geek” category missing here - one that uses Linux!


Okay… I’m a geekster! :grin:


My wife calls me a nerd, though for some reason it’s less pejorative in Thailand.

I think my data hoarding, linux usage and device hacking means I deserve the title.

/already done the research on how to change the default ad laden home screen on the Chromecast Google TV before it’s even arrived.


People call me a nerd. I’m no more intelligent or hardworking than others. I’m a lazy person, who likes sleeping during classes, completing assignments a minute before deadline, etc etc. The difference is that I don’t waste 5 hours of my day on spy/brainwash/time-waste platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. Instead, I will be found scrolling down the posts on some legitimate tech forum. Immediately I become a boring nerd because I don’t have an Instagram account. I don’t make fun of other fellow humans. I don’t like sharing content that targets a specific individuals. This means I’m automatically out of most of the discussions among my batchmates,

Part of the problem is with me also, I believe. I’m not good at social skills - communicating or keeping up a discussion with someone is a heavy task for me. There’s a very small group of people with whom I feel comfortable, and I can speak freely only in front of them. This might be one of the reasons why I get the label I have. Being around too many people scares me. During my recent years, I’ve felt the most mentally safe during covid lockdown. (absolutely not trying to imply that covid was a good thing to happen. Just an example). One of the reasons why I joined the EnOS forum was because at tat time there weren’t too many active users. I would see the same set of usernames again and again. Less people. Good for my mind.

I can talk about tech, code, linux, spyware, freedom, rights etc, but people around me want to discuss Beiber’s new song, the popular girl’s new instagram post, the professor’s family matters, and other stuff that don’t make sense or importance to me. I bore friends (writing this word in plural is a big lie) with tech stuff. They think I’m gonna crack GSoC just because I am literate enough to use linux distros. Then I tell them that I’m not that intelligent and I anyways don’t want to work for any major tech company because none of them are doing legitimate work. Then I’m tagged as being “too good”, in a negative tone of course.

But as I told, the kind of person I am, as long its not constructive criticism, I don’t care what people want to say about me.

I am geek/ nerd/ anti-social/ bore/ weeb/ weirdo/ pure/ whatever and I’m proud of it. :muscle:

I don’t get new hardware too often, but whenever I do, its the same with me. I will scour the internet and read innumerous guides even before the product arrives. :v:


I remembered one thing after reading this . Someone actually called me an introvert just because I talked about privacy . Anyone else had this experience ??


Please, yes! This does happen in twenty first century earth. :sob: You’re not alone :handshake:

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The idea of a rectilinear progress towards the Better has repeatedly shown itself to be a myth originated from 18th century. The regression is also part and parcel of this “progress”.

It doesn’t seem that there has ever been a road map for how things would be on “21st century Earth”.This is simply Earth and what Homo Sapiens make of it.

:earth_americas: :monkey:

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I researched which TV Box to get (Android) for 3 weeks, and it took me 1 minute to order. I don’t know if that’s sad or doing ones due diligence.

We must be! We have to keep updating our systems and using package managers to do what Windows and MacOS do without asking you!


Which one did you get?

I’ve got both a Shield TV and a Chromecast with Google TV.

I got the Beelink GT King Pro. Still waiting for it to arrive.

I would call myself a hobbyist who has long been interested in various Linux distributions.


Beelink GT King Pro Hi-Fi Lossless Sound 4K TV Box with,Amlogic S922X-H 4GB RAM 64GB ROM Android 9.0,Support 4K 60fps Resolution/BT 4.1/Dual-Band WiFi 2.4G+5.8G

Currently unavailable.

cant be called a nerd if you refuse to talk to anybody in close quarters right now

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We surely are nerds. And I’m totally ok with that :sunglasses:


Nerd? I dunno, and I don’t care.
I started to smoke when I was 11. Started to drink when I was 12 (those were different times, nothing alarming!). Grew up fixing your own old used motorcyckle, and later car. Played in a metal barn band. Learned to ride and take care of horses. Earned my own money from I was 10. Smoked weed. Brew my own beer. Trained martial arts. Took a university degree. All those, and many, many more, were major obsessions, I guess that makes me a nerd or whatever.


Which, of course, is to say that OK, we may be Linux ‘‘nerds’’, but that’s because we tend to go all the way into whatever interests we have, Linux being just one of them!

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I’m a Nerd! No I’m a Geek! No I’m a Nerd! Okay… I’ll just use EndeavourOS! It caters to EVERYONE! :laughing: