Arch moving to git packaging

The date seems fishy but this is what I’m getting at this link:

Oof, I sync from this buddy now is borked.

but … why not simply waiting some hours more :wink: mirrors will be overloaded in addition i bet…

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They actually aren’t. Only packages updated upstream during the migration are borked.
Just installed mesa 23.1 update from extra-testing (added it manually) but still haven’t received pacman or devtools update as mirrors offer only files containing 404 pages for those …

updates seem to be possible again. haven’t updated yet.

I was also able to get updates with the updated pacman.

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Please read news to update correctly:

maybe it’s a good idea to pin that on top of forum?

That part at least:

Update your system and merge the pacman pacnew /etc/pacman.conf.pacnew file. This is required as we have moved the [community] repository into [extra].

pacman -Syu "pacman>=6.0.2-7"

I was a bit too hasty when I took care of the pacman.conf.pacnew file (just had visitors here and was also a bit distracted), deleted the pacman.conf.pacnew with r. However, the update worked fine after that. Just got another one.

Ya, no. Not anymore.
I was syncing from that one (as Tier2 mirror), but at some point I couldn’t see progress nor being fully synced. “He” is ok again though :wink:

Time for a pacseek bump :grinning:

For some reason I couldn’t merge the files.

I ran a pacdiff and copied the endeavouros repo to the (first repo), enabled multilib repo, changed all the other settings that were in the old pacman.conf to the .new, then a save and overwrite.

I just let it update. I rarely merge these pacnew files. Mostly because i feel like I will mess it up. Everything has been seamless for me. I have updated 3 out of 5.

In this case you either need to merge it or make the changes manually.

At the very least you need to remove the community repo from your pacman.conf.

I guess I’m not understanding what it is i need to do. I just updated and i have the new pacman? What else is there?

Edit: Do only this?

Edit:2 I thought it would do this automatically when it updated pacman?

If you don’t use testing, that is the only thing that is important, yes.

No, that is what pacnew files are for.

I do use testing on and off? So what does that mean?

Then you need to replace testing, core, extra, community and multilib with this:

#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

# If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
# enable the multilib repositories as required here.

#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
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So is there no community testing?

There is no community at all. It has been combined with extra.

You shouldn’t have references to community in your pacman.conf anymore.

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Thanks. I misunderstood as i thought when it updated everything would be automatic. On my other systems i guess i could just copy the pacnew file to the pacman.conf?

Not if they are EOS systems, that will remove the EOS repo.